Re: Speed of Light?

Warren York ( )
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 02:06:36 -0500

Hello Jeremy:
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I found it to agree with String Theory
also. I can send the graphics and you will see what I mean. I think the
String Theory is the start of seeing the inside of the electron as our
Unified Field Theory with Light shows. I think you will find the same
thing if you work the other end of the scale. Use the number 918 with
1838.12 or 1836.11 (I have seen it as both). Then use Radioactive
Transformation of the inner electron orbit combining one electron with
a proton to make a neutron. Proton charge = to electron mass =
1.672614 X10^-27 or 1836.12 I find this relationship of numbers
interesting. I just found out last night how it explains the full
strength electron click in the photomultiplier in the experiment for
partial reflection of light. Nobody can answer why with dim light only
the count slows down and not the strength. According to our Unified
Field Theory of Light that would be expected to take place since it is
the electrons hitting the plate and not photons. The photons are making
there exchange within the electron so a full 918 paired electron will
always hit as a composite electron full strength click. Now if an
experiment can be set up showing there is an exchange of photons between
electrons then we have our proof of the pudding. Electrons are made up
of 918 paired photons. Keep me posted. It is encouraging. Warren
==================================================================== wrote:
> To Warren,
> Hi, I got your diagrahm of the electron that is theorized to be made of
> photons. I have decided to take it into concideration just because it made
> total sense. The problem I had with excepting it was that photons are
> reported to have no mass. But i went ahead and made it into equation using
> E=MC(C)
> What I found out was AMAZING! This is what I did:
> I made my equation up like this:
> photon = photon pairs= 4 time tunels= energy=mass(speed or space)(speed or
> space)
> FOLLOW these steps
> mass of electron is found to be 1/2000
> for speed or space I used spin which is 1/2 of course
> I then proceeded (1/2000) ((1/2)(1/2))= .000125
> then to solve the rest I figured i'd divide .000125 into 4 which equaled
> .0000312 i then went on with it.
> Since photon pairs are 918 then i divided .0000312 into 918
> it EQUALED 0 thats zero nothing notta!
> that means you can get 0 mass of some sort of energy and get mass!
> Now I just found this out so I haven't figured out an equation to see how a
> chargeless photon can create a -1 charge electron yet but I'll check it out.
> PLEASE REASPOND BACK TO ME! I am pretty sure this string theory or unified
> theory works like a charm.
> My equation in algebraic form:
> p= Pp=4*=E=MC^2
> Again please send me back with a reasponse.
> And anyone else that may shed some light on this problem.
> Jeremy Lynn Mumme