Re: Speed of Light?

Warren York ( )
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 14:50:10 -0500

Hello Jeremy,
I was going over your message to me about your work and observation on
my GUT of light and the mass of a photon phenomena. I may want to quote
your message in my formal paper I am writing now at some point. If I
do I would like to link you to the assistance to any validation that
may be found with your approval and review first of course.

I went through the post and would like to clear a few points I found.
I will do them below from your text.
================================================================ wrote:
> To Warren,
> Hi, I got your diagrahm of the electron that is theorized to be made of
> photons. I have decided to take it into concideration just because it made
> total sense. The problem I had with excepting it was that photons are
> reported to have no mass. But i went ahead and made it into equation using
> E=MC(C)
> What I found out was AMAZING! This is what I did:
> I made my equation up like this:
> photon = photon pairs= 4 time tunels= energy=mass(speed or space)(speed or
> space)
Warren writes:
I had considered 4 time tunnels at one point but the structure did not
always hold together. I am however still looking at the paired
I'm looking at it's structure. May be a paired phenomena going on as
one photon chasing the others tail but at present I am still using the
dual tunnels as paired. That should make it 459 photons in one tube
at any one time. Anyway, in comment to your "4 time tunnels", I think
what you are describing is the openings and exits where the photons
directions giving inertial properties or intrinsic like mass effects.
Anyway it still fits your line of thinking. I would replace your words
of 4 tunnels with 4 points of shift or force. The ends of the two
rotating worm holes. They would be actual worm holes. This would also
answer how an electron jumps position during state change. Like I
said before, the electron (considered matter) would be making an
actual quantum TIME jump.
> FOLLOW these steps
> mass of electron is found to be 1/2000
> for speed or space I used spin which is 1/2 of course
> I then proceeded (1/2000) ((1/2)(1/2))= .000125
> then to solve the rest I figured i'd divide .000125 into 4 which equaled
> .0000312 i then went on with it.
> Since photon pairs are 918 then i divided .0000312 into 918
> it EQUALED 0 thats zero nothing notta!
> that means you can get 0 mass of some sort of energy and get mass!
Warren writes:
Yes I see your point. A photon has intrinsic mass and still has no
rest mass. They both are zero and this is in agreement with findings
today although you keep hearing some claim photons have rest mass when
really what they are trying to say is photons have intrinsic mass of
zero. A zero FORCE. Part of the duality phenomena I would chance to
> Now I just found this out so I haven't figured out an equation to see how a
> chargeless photon can create a -1 charge electron yet but I'll check it out.
> PLEASE REASPOND BACK TO ME! I am pretty sure this string theory or unified
> theory works like a charm.
> My equation in algebraic form:
> p= Pp=4*=E=MC^2
> Again please send me back with a reasponse.
> And anyone else that may shed some light on this problem.
> Jeremy Lynn Mumme
Warren writes:
You suggested a possible method to detect if there is any photon
exchange going on between electron and photon. I am still working on
a method using a joint photomultiplier and film detection process.
Perhaps others out there would have a better approach? If so, please
feel free to contact us. A valid experiment is necessary to prove the
theory. So far the best possible indication of such is the phenomena
associated with the partial reflection experiment. With any luck we
are seeing history unfolding here.