Re: water powered car via electrolysis?

Mother ( (no email) )
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 10:21:15 -0500

I have following this thread in hopes of gaining further insight into my own
work on this matter of using electrolysis and water as the fuel of the
future, separating the individual gases across a charged plate producing
di-atomic forms of oxygen in hydrogen, will always require more energy in
that an out and the burning of these gases create other problems that
internal combustion engines are not able to handle.
The brute force energy approach will never give us the fuel of the future,
we must look at nature to see its sublime and low energy methods of creating
similar substances. Hydrocarbon and carbohydrates have an enormous
similarity in that they are binding hydrogen to carbon chains.
An electrolysis method that creates re-combination of hydrogen and oxygen
and carbon could produce a liquid fuel that would be made up of a
hydrocarbon and a peroxide group thus having the oxygen for combustion and a
hydrogen for easy liberation of fuel. I share this concept and thought
process because I feel that when I or others will be able to produce
consistent results this technology it must be immediately and widespread
distributed. I call to researchers out there to spend some time studying
nature method of producing fuels whether that fuel is used in a bio system
or an internal combustion engine the principles are relatively the same. By
the way The low octane of this new fuel would require the Geet reactor to
burn it properly. But remember the understanding of oxygen, hydrogen,
carbon are the keys to unlocking the mysteries of how Spirit and light
resonate on the physical plane to create matter.