Re: Tesla Coils, Remote Viewing and the Aether

Martin ( (no email) )
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 11:13:09 +0200

Hi All

>Apparently whilst experimenting to find ways in which to increase the
effectiveness >of Remote Viewers the Russian intelligence service found that
by tuning a Tesla >Coil to radiate extremely low frequency (ELF) waves at
7.8 Hz, the Earth's Natural >frequency ( Schumann Resonance ) it amplified
Psychic ability tremendously by >inducing a Theta state in the Remote
>It was later discovered that magnetic fields at 7.8 Hz were almost as good
as the Tesla Coils.

I am currently running experiments with a CES unit running at various beat
freq ranging from 3Hz through to 10Hz in an attempt to improve Remote
viewing as well as general PSI ability. The freq is applied directly to the
ear lobes. I also intend to attempt a few experiments with small ELF
transmitters at given targets to see if they will block RV.

>All the above might not suppress you BUT did you know that the Russians
<experimented with Tesla Coils in causing a whirlpool effect to block the
Remote >Viewing at locations, and that it is rumored Both Russian and
American >intelligence communities have installed such devices at all their
top secret locations.

Supposedly the ELF transmitters have had various success with blocking the
RV. As I read yesterday apparently there have been some problems with Remote
Viewers attempting to view the pyramids in Egypt because of the ELF fields
supposedly associated with them.

>Hope this little snippet of info might be of use to someone.

Thank you it's of great use too see that there are documented experiments of
attempts at increasing this ability. Of course now I have to buy the book

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