Runaway Magnetic Fields

The Ninth Wave ( )
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 19:36:30 -0600

Hi all,

I was wondering does anyone here think that it is possible to produce a
runaway magnetic field. By this I mean a field that's self amplifying
with no external input that keeps increasing until a critical point is
reached such as the device becomes destroyed or something like that.

I have come up with a possible method for doing just this, but I'm not
sure if such a process could occur.

My method uses a solenoid coil to produce a magnetic field that has 3
possible states that could occur.

1 - nothing may happen
2 - the magnetic field may be self sustaining at a maximum resonating
3 - the magnetic field may keep on increasing until the solenoid coil
melts or explodes due to magnetic pressures

Although, states 1 and 3 may be more likely to happen. The 2nd state
might only occur using superconductors.

Any thoughts about this would be greatly appreciated.
