Re: Water powered car via electrolysis?

Chris ( (no email) )
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 01:36:47 -0700

When I was in chemistry class, one of my favorite experiments (because I'm a
pyromaniac at heart) was to isolate hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis
and then mix the two back together in a balloon. Light a match on the end
of a long stick (and make sure it's a long one) and touch the balloon with
it. Big boom ensues. . .

We had two balloons. The first was filled with just hydrogen gas. It's
explosion was not as loud as the one that was mixed two parts H2 and one
part O2.

With all of our technology and the abilty to generate plastic armor and
super tough metals, why can't we create a car that burns much less gas and
uses pure oxygen as opposed to 12 per cent in the atmosphere? I realize
that the reaction would more than likely blow the piston clear out of the
engine block on today's cars. . . but why not using super tough plastics or
