Re: Speed of Light?

Chris ( (no email) )
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 01:29:49 -0700


I will have to start off by saying that my scientific knowledge only goes as
far as college chemistry (it was my favorite subject) and that my knowledge
of light and magnetism goes only as far as what I was told. . .

I don't believe that nothing is impossible which is why I subscribed to this

I question everything. I know that 1 mole is 6.023 X 10^23 units (grains of
sand/ filthy pictures in grandpa's collection/ whatever). I believed it
because that is what I was told. And that the Atomic weight of any element
is that number of grams provided that you have 1 mole of those atoms. . . .
because that's what I was told.

Let's entertain the thought that light speed is not a constant. There would
be a lot of things left unexplained. If light is not a constant then
perhaps time is not. Time is a relative thing anyway. Some people die of
old age at 50 and others get killed in a skydiving accident at eighty. . . .

What I'm getting at here is that questioning things doesn't cause problems,
only knowing everything does. I cannot believe that anything is constant
simply because I'm told it is. Believing in anything on faith alone is
foolish. I have a 1995 dodge neon. If I have faith that it will go 200
miles and hour does that mean it will? The answer is of course (you guessed
it) no. No matter how many dodge engineers tell me to the contrary the only
way I'll believe is if I see it. From the outside of course. . . .

And I have another question to pose to the group. In a life-threatening
situation, the human body "slows" the events down so that the person can
react to the situation. So. . . let's say that this person's body clock
speeds up. They're given advanced time to react because of their "response
to an external, stressful stimulus". Have you ever looked at a person who
has just gotten away from a 'close call'? And have you ever noticed that
they seemed to have aged a great deal in that time? My question is- have
they actually travelled through time? The aged at the same rate, but were
able to physically slow time down to save theirselves. . . .

just my two cents. . .
