Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 22:04:21 -0500

Hi Warren, Dan et al!

Warren, I figured you and Dan would pick up on my troll...I was hoping
you two would throw in some goodies....

Folks, it was through the kindness of Warren York, who I've been in
contact with over a period of several years that I was first informed
about George Merkle. At the time, what Warren said so fascinated me
that I asked Dan Davidson and Ron Barker if they might be interested in
flying over to El Paso if Dr. Merkl would grant us a meeting....he
kindly did and we flew in on a Friday night and met with George on a

It was the weirdest thing, we checked into our hotel and got an early
start Saturday morning. We stopped off at a restaurant for breakfast
and placed our orders. The place was very busy so when our order came,
a nice looking young mexican lady with a bandage around her arm helped
serve our table, we asked about her arm and made casual banter thinking
nothing of it.

We arrived at Georges' beautiful house that was on a hill looking out
over his pool and beyond that over El Paso. He was a very gracious host
as he seated us in his living room. He showed us his priceless
collection of fire opals from Australia, his walls had original,
colorful paintings that he had made of his research, showing 'scroll
waves' in action. They had the quality of museum paintings and we
couldn't help but compliment him on his excellent taste.

He showed us a copy of his privately printed book (about 1964) on Scroll
Waves as the key to the universe and gave us a tour of his
the den was a grand piano with a picture of his wife and young
children...would ou believe the lady in the busy restaurant that helped
serve out table was Mrs. Merkl???

It was weird. George had the most polite and courteous children any of
us had met in a very long time. They were very conscience of us as
guests and played quietly by the pool and in their rooms, and they
responded as very well bred children with yes sir or no sir when
addressed...just giving you a feel for the ambience....

George showed us his solar still where he made what tasted like very
sweet liqueor without any alcohol, it was more like a thick fruit drink
but not super sweet, just very sweet...George said it was a special
discovery he'd made that captured solar energy and re-released it into
the body. I know within the hour I had built up a splitting
headache...George said the juice had that effect on some because it
causes the cells to release toxins.

Dan, Ron and I were totally fascinated with George, there was no science
topic we mentioned that he didn't know all about or had direct
experience with. He told us about his enzyme concoction that was used
down in Houston to clear waxy deposits from oil well pathways...he says
an oil well is drilled and they decent flow but as time goes on a waxy
buildup occurs that restricts the flow of oil...when you inject his
special enzyme into it, the wax is eaten away and not only is the flow
restored but INCREASED....he said he got in trouble in Houston by
getting involved with some businessmen whose primary motive was to rip
off his discovery, so he left.

Because of his exceptional knowledge of so many subjects, we asked him
how he came to know so much...he said he was in a Russian concentration
camp after WWII with many Jewish and other scientists, so he learned an
incredible amount o diverse knowledge...he said he had been through some
horrifying and unbelievable experiences in his life but he had learned
so much from his contacts during those periods.

George had a thick shock of white hair that was obviously growing darker
FROM THE ROOTS OUT...he attributed this to his experiments and ingestion
of the life crystals.

He showed a slide under his microscope of one of these life crystals
magnified, but we couldn't see what he was talking about..the inside of
the lens had some dirt particles which blocked it as far as I could
tell...none of us saw it but he said he did...he also showed us a video
of these things in motion and one of some very colorful swirling
patterns but I don't recall what that was about.

If I had known the sun liqueur was going to give me a headache I would
have declined til later becuase it certainly crimped my understanding
and involvement with engaging Dan and Ron had to take
up the slack...there is no question that George is a brilliant man and a
master of multiple disciplines..

I have a copy somewhere of his Scrolls book and have often thought some
of it needs to be extracted or maybe the whole thing posted online or
sold as a reprint...its been several years and I recall it was hard to
read, but I'd have to look at it again to see what the problem was...

Anyway, just my two cents backing up George Merkl..he's the real thing
and I'll bet with the right investors and marketing, he could create
multiple new industries or markets based on his discoveries. I'm
forgetting something but if I remember will add it later...

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187