I wonder if one of those bio labs would be interesting
in testing this? It would be a great adjunct to their
original report and could lead to a good document and
reference for Merkl.
Hello Jerry, Dan and all:
You know me Jerry and you know my connection with Dr. Merkl. I don't
know if Dan York knows or not but he should if he knows Dr. Merkl.
It seems almost like you are posting just to get a reply or response.
We go a long way back and you know more than you have let on here.
I find it interesting but do not feel you are getting to the point.
Since I was there and saw first hand as nobody else has, I can assure
you all that the man is a genius. There is something about the ATP
research and genetics that I am sure has never been brought to life.
His work goes way beyond just genetics and life energies. Although I was
with him in the early stages of the work he never said a word about
something we both saw. I can not and will not speak for Dr. Merkl
for only he can do that. What I can do is speak out from my own view of
what I saw develop. Remember I still have the original lab video's.
For what ever reasons and I feel they are security related, Dr. Merkl
has backed off and even went as far as to give disinformation at the
later part of his work. What George (he does not like to be called Dr.)
discovered goes way beyond any genetics we now know about. I have
it Creation Genetics for that is what it really is. Again, I am speaking
not for George but from my own knowledge of the process involved.
me what you or even others may think they know about the work is nothing
even close to the full story. George has broken no laws but his findings
being kept back from the establishment has been a crime in my view. He
has discovered a diagnostic tool above all that could detect cancer and
other long term threats to mankind that if addressed at early enough
stages would save if not give additional years of quality life where
now it is not possible. You may wonder how a nuclear physicist got
in something that is more of the medical sciences than the physical
science. That may in part be due to me. He read my OLD paper on
Space/Time Continuum and called me up. He turned out to be a neighbor.
It is all based from the same research you will find on my site.
It is connected and is a part of the unification equation nobody ever
considers. For a unification equation to be a true unification equation
it must address ALL phenomena and not just gravity, Time,
thermodynamic etc. It must address the " Life Energy " of which nobody
has even begin to know how to approach. This is why I have coined the
"Creation Genetics". The full story gets even more bizarre. Well, here
a response. I hope it is close to what you were looking for. I will back
out now and sit back and watch. Remember I was there. Warren York