Re: What power generators, etc don't use magnets?

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:23:26 -0400

Yes, I agree. If anyone has seen the movie Phenomenon, they touch upon the
subject of comparing Solar Panels with Photosynthesis.
As for over-unity, I have always beleived that it would be possible to achieve
over-unity by combining different forces, and different methods of power
generation. When I was liitle, I looked up perpetual motion in one of those
"How Things Work" encyclopedias and read about why it was supposedly
imposible. The answer was always that the forces would always cancel each
other out (conservation of energy), but I always thought different because I
beleived that you could the use different properties of different forces to
avoid the conseration of energy restrictions, and still get perpetual motion as
the device would run forever without any input of electricity.

I always beleived that it would be possible using magnets and gravity together
to achive perpetual motion, and indeed it does work. I have made devices that
work on this principle and have discoved that others have as well, as seen in
S.M.O.T.. It is kind of funny that one example in the book, of a perpetual
motion machine that did not work was, the old idea of pulling a steel ball up a
ramp with a magnet, and letting it drop before it reached the top to achive
perpetual motion. The reason given for why it would not work was, that if the
magnet were strong enough to pull the ball up the ramp, then it would not allow
the ball to drop. But it seemed obvious to me that moving an object up a slope
definately required less energy than trying to lift the object straight up,
therfore the ball would by able drop, and not to mention using several magents
instead of one large magnet at the top would help with this process. Even
though the overall magnetic force is stronger at the top of the ramp (which
makes the ball move up the ramp), the force at the top of the ramp need not be
very strong, and because it is not very strong, and becauase there is also a
weak magnetic force pulling from the bottom, this helps gravity to be able to
pull the ball straight down through the hole, allowing the ball to drop. Isn't
this perpetual motion? If so, it is easily demonstratable, so how can anyone
not beleive that it is possible?

I also beleive as mentioned above that over-unity is possible by combining
different methods of power generation. For example (although not a great
example and over-simplified), using something like an electric car, and adding
widmill style devices, to generate power from the wind created when the car is
moving, and other such things so that the overall energy generated is more
that that which is fed to the system.

Anyway, I was very happy to discover this website, and find a place where
these ideas are discussed, and experimented with. I wish I had found it
sooner, but I had always searched the web using Perpetual Motion as the key
words, which turned up unwanted websites, and only recently discover the term
over-unity while searching for something completely different, which turned up
this website and others with similair interests.

Keep the ideas coming, and let us help move this country into future as it
should allready be, whether Big Brother likes it or not.