Re: Testing O/U devices

Bob Paddock ( )
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 11:47:17 -0400

>The beauty of the N machine (homopolar generator) is
>you get about 1.5VDC at up to 1500AMPs from them. But
>arcing and sparking dissipates a lot of this energy.

The Arcing and Sparking might be entraining energy.

>As amazing as it sounds, 1.5VDC X 1500A is ONLY 2250
>A stepup of 1:100 would give

My question is how, with those numbers?

>There is also the peltier junction effect where heat
>is directly converted to electric current, though I
>understand it is incredibly inefficient;

If you have 'free energy' efficiency doesn't really matter. :-)