Testing O/U devices

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 08:28:11 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

In some private discussions over the past few months,
it seems there could be something useful if there was
one or more files showing HOW suspected free energy or
overunity devices could be tested. That could include
sample circuits which have misled a lot of people.

Whatever ANY of us can do to help correct an error, or
help to pin down a true anomaly, or to EXPOSE
intentional scams by duplicating the effect OR
discovering proof of lies/errors, would be a useful
service to those of us who just want to cut through
the crap and are willing to put some time, effort and
dedication into the quest.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how to build a
circuit that would emulate the Marks device....you
know you can make damn near anything glow with high
voltage and in a vacuum, even better. Well light
bulbs, even with filaments are in a partial vacuum...

I've connected a tesla coil to a light bulb and it
sapped the power completely, though the filament did
not light up. However, if the filament is broken it
will glow blue not yellow from the arcing from one end
of the broken filament to the other.

Now I don't think Marks uses high voltage per se..I
think the key is that 5khz frequency which is provided
by the specially designed inverter as one of our
friends suspects.

A battery has a tremendous amount of captive energy
and will get very hot if you short the terminals or
otherwise load it heavily.

Connect that battery to feed an inverter which
converts the DC to 5khz AC but with a shaped wave, one
that collapses very quickly after the positive and
negative side of the wave...and I think that might be
enough to light a 100 Watt bulb and duplicate the

It won't last long and might get hot but the point is
the light was run off the battery.

A triac could provide such a shaped signal at such a
frequency though in this case a mosfet might work

It would be very useful to not just SAY something is a
scam if the inventor/claimant won't prove it, but be
able to duplicate the effect using known technology,
not for scam but to show how people can be fooled
since it can be copied.

Many in Keely's day claimed his experiments were
frauds, that he used high pressure pneumatics, yet no
one THEN or to this day, has been able to publicly
duplicate his demonstrations (that I am aware of).

Just becuase claims can't be duplicated, doesn't mean
it necessarily is a fraud, it could be an error or we
just might not have sufficient info to duplicate it.

In Keely's case, if it hasn't been duplicated, does
that mean it WAS a fraud as claimed by Scientific
American and others of the time (mostly AFTER his
death) or that we still don't sufficiently comprehend
what he was saying to be able to duplicate it.

I have an interesting article from George Hathaway
that was presented at Ken McNeals 1983 Nonconventional
Energy conference...Ken long ago gave me permission to
repost anything from his conferences so I think I'll
add this one.

The article is entitled, "Fundamental AC Energy and
Power Measurement Techniques in Non-conventional
Energy". It deals with proper testing of AC power
based on 4 key points;

1) providing for a proper load
2) providing a proper meter
3) measuring the phase angle
4) measuring the harmonic content

These of course aren't the ONLY criteria for testing
but are what Hathaway thinks are four of the most

The article goes into more detail about what he
considers 'proper' instrumentation and measurement.

Lately I've had to call up Lee Trippetts TOD (Trippett
Overunity Device) file and the MRA (Molecular
Resonance Amplifier) as examples of how erroneous
measurements can lead to false calculations of over
unity power. It would be a great service I think to
many experimenters to provide the circuits with the
analysis and point out the error so we won't be
misleading ourselves and can the sooner move on to
other approaches.

I'm thinking the article could be expanded on so that
people are aware of how they can be fooled into
thinking it is overunity despite the simple fact that
it will not power a real world load as a true
overunity device, regardless of what the numbers say.

Hal Fox is a long time confidant and friend, who
recently wrote me saying I should be 'careful' when I
say that the true test of a working o/u device would
be that it self-sustains AND drives a load.

He says there ARE overunity devices that do put out
more power than he indicates they won't power
themselves because it possibly quenches the effect.
He cites Tewari (in Bombay)with his version of the N
machine and Shoulders EV (electron clusters he calls
Electro Validium) work and excellent patent.

Now Tewari and Shoulders are both great guys and
brilliant...and I understand Tewari is producing
hydrogen gas from water using the DC currents from his
version of the N machine.

Tewari had told us in a 3 hour private meeting (I
believe on that trip it was Norm, Bert, myself,
Leonard and Ruben) back around 1996 that he had almost
completed an AC version of his homopolar device but
wasn't ready to go public with it just yet, but he did
describe it a bit.

The beauty of the N machine (homopolar generator) is
you get about 1.5VDC at up to 1500AMPs from them. But
arcing and sparking dissipates a lot of this energy.

Tewari apparently has either a vacuum device or some
mercury arrangement to more efficiently couple the
current in a pulsing fashion from the N machine so
that it creates an inductive spike to allow for
transformer action.

So now you have a pulsed DC to produce a form of AC
that can be converted by a stepup transformer to
useful AC power levels.

As amazing as it sounds, 1.5VDC X 1500A is ONLY 2250

A stepup of 1:100 would give (1.5 X 100 = 150 volts)
and 1500/100 = 15 amps) bearing in mind that voltage
and current are reciprocal in inductive coupling

so 150 volts X 15 amps = 2250 Watts

But that would power ONE BREAKER in your house that
could run several AC devices. Of course DC is so much
more efficient that it would be easier to just LEAVE
it as DC and convert to DC for appliances and perhaps
only use AC to drive motors.

Of course the wave shape and other factors come into
play but the question is will this 2250 Watts be
sufficient to produce the hydrogen in the first place
that will keep the device running AND have an excess
that can be used.

Perhaps forcing the hydrogen through a fuel cell would
be a much more efficient way of producing electrical
energy than to burn it to produce heat/steam to run a
motor that turns a generator.

There is also the peltier junction effect where heat
is directly converted to electric current, though I
understand it is incredibly inefficient;


"Conventional refrigerators operate at up to 50%
efficiency and current thermoelectric systems (Peltier
Effect) operate at 5-8% efficiency."
I wrote him back saying I'll have to stick with my
best demonstration of a self-running device since
there is substantial room for error when using AC from
the wall or DC from a battery. If there is a device
out there that TRULY provides overunity with the
requirement that it be fed by line AC or batteries, I
think it is probably an error, otherwise sell them and
let's get down to USING them IF THEY are overunity.

I do understand the possibility that if it is tapping
zero point or ambient energies, it COULD create a zone
of lessened energy which would encompass the device
and the load. That means if you attach the output to
the input, it would soon quench the tapping effect.

However, I think the recovery of the local aether/zpe
is so rapid that you would have to extract a
tremendous amount of energy very rapidly to quench the
effect. That is yet another reason for wanting to see
small, low power modules that provide just enough
energy to run a single appliance.

These would be all over your house, in each device so
that it could be taken anywhere and used without any
outside source of power.

My point with this is we should have some basic
guidelines that would clearly point out how to
properly test suspected O/U devices AND to note
anomalies which could give erroneous ideas that will
help avoid mistakes and false alarms.

Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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