Re: Fw: What power generators, etc don't use magnets?

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 17:17:04 +1200

At 00:08 10/08/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all
> to convert the sugar
>produced to energy.
>Any ideas?
Hi All,

I do this once every two month's, I put a bit of yeast and chemicals into
dissolved sugar and hey presto I am able to distill 30 x 2 litres of pure
energy called giggle juice !!
You can even run your car on it but a bit expensive.>
I have just partaken of some and for $ 42 N.Z. dollars (U.S. dollars 21)
I get 60 litres of 40% alcohol. With your cut price market you should be
able to make it cheaper still.

Al Capone made millions out of it !!

Have fun and don't get drunk !!
