Re: Magnetocaloric Aura?

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 17:04:52 +1200

At 21:46 9/08/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!

I have extensive experience in all that was said.
I do know this:
Magnetic healing (faith healing in your language) is based on creating a
magnetic field between the two hands of the healer.Those people with active
left and right hand brains are better at it. A lot of people are left or
right brain dominant. I am ambidextrous which is a good sign for healers. I
used to hold my hands 6 inches apart, focus on the centre of the space and
will an energy bubble to appear. This bubble could be measured for extent
and temperature difference.It worked quicker by slowly moving the hands
from 1 inch to 6 inches apart. Anybody can try it and if you get somebody
to measure the temperature between your hands you know you are doing the
right thing.
The psyche, soul, or body is able to harness orgon (or by what ever name)
energy which is obtained from the water vapour in the air and can be
concentrated by the mind and used to impart a healing influence to the aura
of the receiver. However there is an exchange taking place which the healer
has to remove from his body by a more or less ritual cleansing process and
thoroughly washing of the hands after.
Ghost as described are indeed the aural remains of a departed soul (for the
want of a better word) and are able to communicate by means of thought
transferrence, not from the ghost to the recipient but from the recipient
to the ghost. Unfortunately many people think they are getting messages
from the dead when in fact all they get is their mental translation of the
remaining thought bank which is imprinted in the arkashic record for all to
It may be noted that so called futuristic predictions by these so called
entities very seldom come true and when thoroughly analysed, know no more
than you do. Psychometric knowledge is gained exactly the same way.
Mono atomic particles are the first building blocks in our physical
continuum and extremely volatile and therefor can be used for all sorts.
They can be made to run motors, power magnets, impart healing influence to
bodies of all sorts because the body when sick is asking for them and the
body tranfers them or uses them in the building of necessary elements.
It is immaterial how they are obtained, but remember that their volatility
does not let them last very long as they combine with anything anywhere
Keely found this out with his experiments, Joe's cell works on this and in
fact the whole of our physical creation is composed of them.
What ever will give us free energy, is no more or less than a mono atomic
particle and forget about quarks, neutrinos, positrons gluons and what
ever. Those are wave forms waiting to be transformed into mono atomic
particles and after that comes the rest which is governed by magnetic
angles within the planetary system.
Orgon energy is what we after, the ancient cultures based everything you
can think of on this energy and we will just have to go back to this if we
want to achieve results.
However, if the final result is the same as the old cultures did, end up
destroying their world with the energies released which are more powerful
than the atom bomb, I hope we will never find it.
When using those energies, you must be aware that planetary influences,
sunspot activity, eclipses of the sun and the moon all have an effect and
sometimes even the mood of people around them or indeed the health of
people working with them will upset the results.
Certain places on this earth are extremely useful for the use of and others
will not work at all.
I find it very significant that for atom bombs to be of any use,extreme
calculations are necessary to be able to make them explode which almost
suggests to me that we are making the radio active elements explode into
mono atomic particles which in turn explode back into the wave forms that
composed them in the first place.The reason radio active material is used,
is that those compounds have not yet completed their construction and are
therefor still unstable enough to be manipulated by our for ever mad
scientists dominated by even more mad El Presidento's happy to construct
weapons of mass destruction.
Our physical creation is only one unit as described at infinitum by all the
ancient philosophers, scientists and who ever has the eyes to see.
and as I wrote to one writer yesterday, do not waste our time with more
papers on theory, when I read the Keely net archives, we have every known
theory discussed at infinitum without practical result.
Unfortunately, mono atomic particles have a will of their own and need
expensive (for us) equipment to harness. It is the first particle with a
soul or free will so be nice to it and it MAY (May only ) do your bidding.

I still say have fun!
