Re: Fw: What power generators, etc don't use magnets?

Dan York ( )
Mon, 09 Aug 1999 23:50:16 -0500

At 12:08 AM 8/10/99 -0400, Billy M. Williams wrote:
>Hi all
>If someone could invent a solar panel that uses plant like energy convertion
>we could reap ALOT of power.
>I've been brainstorming this problem for to convert the sugar
>produced to energy.
>Any ideas?
>Billy M. Williams

When concentrated fruit juices and teas are placed in a sealed environment
similar to a solar panel for a period of time it causes part of the ATP and
GTP naturally present to be converted into a crystal form. That crystal
form of ATP provides a source of energy that is directly usable by our
cells and can go directly into the nucleus of our cells without requiring
pre-processing by the mitochondria. See my earlier post (Re: Magnetocaloric
Aura?) about Life Crystals improving the superconducting properties of
cells. A device with some similarity to a sealed solar panel is used to
create the crystals.
