Re: Magnetocaloric Aura?

Dan York ( )
Mon, 09 Aug 1999 23:37:01 -0500

At 09:46 PM 8/9/99 -0500, Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>If you recall David Hudson's claim that the regular ingestion of
>monoatomic gold will not only heal diseases but evoke various seemingly
>paranormal abilities. David claims that monoatomic elements are
>superconducting and that the aura of the body is a result of a complex
>dynamic Meissner field that attenuates (weakens) as we age.
>I have a copy of his research notes and there are two documents from bio
>labs which found that new, growing cells in their first replications are
>superconducting and as they age, the property diminishes and vanishes.

According to Dr. George Merkl the superconducting capability of older cells
can be restored using is "Life Crystals" which are a crystal form of ATP,
GTP and basic carbon sugars. My experience with his Life Crystals leads me
to believe that his claim is correct.
