Re: Key to supermagnet strength?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 08 Aug 1999 11:58:09 -0500

Hi Folks!

Regarding the crystal in the refrigerator, I received an email asking if
there was a .gif of, not yet. When the anecdote was shared
with me, I asked her if she still had the crystal and she said yes, but
that she had moved several times and would have to find it.

I will ask her again if I can borrow it and try a similar experiment
with another refrigerator. And take a photo as well as get some size
and weight measurements. It was quartz with mutiple spikes on the top
as I recall.

The anecdote is intriguing because IF it can be duplicated, perhaps a
novel connection to magnetism might be found.

The late Rory Johnson, whose work was carried on by Gerald Orlowski
claimed that magnetism tended to attract to itself as compared to
electricity which repels from itself. Here is the web address which I
suggest you copy completely as you never know how long such sites will
be up and I'm showing this one since 1997 which is a good sign;

Thus, if he and others are correct, magnetism would be an inflowing,
centripetal, implosive, generating force allied with cold and alkali

Whereas electricity would have the opposite characteristics, outflowing,
centrifugal, explosive, dissipating force allied with heat and acid

You'd think based on MATTER, that expansion means cooling but energy
seems to operate opposite to matter.

Have to be careful what I post publicly these days so it won't be lifted
for sale or claimed as being yet another 'discovery' stolen from someone
else..<g>..that's never my see, I did not know that Bill
Beaty had arranged with eScribe to publicly archive ALL the posts to
this list so that anyone could see them and search through them at will.

KeelyNet was on eScribe a long time ago as I found when I had need to
check out some earlier posts from our archive. They used to archive all
our emails which then became searchable through the web using any search

I noticed a freeNRG archive at eScribe and sure enough, it was the
same....neat...and much better than having to download an entire zip
file to wade through that does serve as a good resource for all of it at
one time. The address is;

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187