Energy Source

Warren E. York ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Aug 1999 14:38:13 -0500

I thought I would share this message for thoses of you interested in
possible FREE energy concepts. Enjoy: Warren
Subject: RE: Web site, energy book, lots of stuff


Hey, what is the new web page? Would like to take a look at it.

I have a "growing" energy book on http:/, which is
by an old friend and colleague, Warren York. The words are all finished
there now, with final corrections on some of the translated equations and
math expressions. The title is: Matters Arising: Theory and Principles
Overunity Electromagnetic Power Systems. Needless to say, this one has
incurred a bit of "wrath" from the energy cartel dons. They intended
lots of things in there never be revealed - such as how EM theory was
unwittingly altered by Lorentz so that it then eliminated all Maxwellian
overunity systems. Such as some eminent scientists who built overunity
devices, but they were suppressed (e.g., Gabriel Kron, one of the
electrical scientists of all time, built one in the 1930s, and I give
quotes from his papers, where he sneaked it through the sensors.
Chung's negative resistor, now struggling to see the light of day (it was
announced in 1998, the University at Buffalo filed a patent, then quickly
withdrew from the University's internet site it's recently posted offer
commercial companies to receive a technical package - after signing
nondisclosure - for commercial application developments). Lots more the
usual researcher may never have heard of, such as the first Astronauts
magnetic boots, by Westinghouse, using switched magnetic fields and
with a memory, invented by Radus. All the necessary references are
Also, the Wiegand effect, where a special Wiegand wire will just suddenly
change its own magnetic state in a magnetic field, and give you a free
of energy. Many other things gathered from the four corners of the Earth
the last 30 years. Included some of the suppression which descended upon
the Bedinis, etc. Included the seizure by apparently the Japanese Mafia
(the Yakuza) of Japanese overunity machines, including the Kawai engine
right here in Huntsville, Alabama after we reached agreement with Kawai
development and marketing worldwide.