Warren E. York ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Aug 1999 14:50:44 -0500

Hello All, I sent a copy of this to Jerry for approval before posting. I
not received any negative reply or reply at all so I take it that it is
ok to
post here for others interested. I discuss TIME Locks vs. TIME
I also have compiled a list from my research on TIME of at least 35
forms of TIME and growing. Feedback is always welcome. Enjoy this thing
we call TIME.

Research contact address: infonet@home.com (attached files allowed)
Personal contact address: warren.york@Juno.com (No attached files
Or post here on keelynet for others with interest.
On Sat, 31 Jul 1999 12:42:15 -0500 "Jerry W. Decker"
<jdecker@keelynet.com> writes:
>Hi Marinus et al!
>The time comments centered around a concept involving a TIME LOCK
>which was "encoded" at the time of creation of all matter, living or
>otherwise. Thus, all matter created on the Earth, must be "clocked"
>to the Earth time lock. The Earth must be "clocked" to the Solar time
>lock and that to the Galaxial.
>If your time lock became "distorted" by high intensity fields, it
>would create a variety of problems due to the instability of the
>process, assuming that recovery would be possible."
Hello to all of interest: .02 Input
I just wanted to add to the above statement that in my own TIME research
work I have found this to be true. I did not call it a "TIME LOCK" but
is one proper name I feel for it. I called it a "TIME SIGNATURE". If any
of you are
doing your own research out there and wish to know where to look or find
connections in science to just what a actual TIME LOCK or SIGNATURE
may be or is I will point you in the proper direction. The reason words
TIME LOCK and TIME SIGNATURES seem so remote from an actuality is
due to the fact NO REAL outside research has been done yet into the make
up and definition of just what TIME itself is. People are still talking
how TIME is not real and can not be studied in the lab as an actual
entity. That is because they haven't defined TIME well enough yet to be
to use what properties it may have. Yes, as stated from the message here,
there is such a component of TIME as a LOCK or SIGNATURE. You will
find it in physics when you look at spin up and spin down or better known
as intrinsic
spin of a particle. Each matter set be it a rock or a hill or even a
human have a
TIME LOCK set or as I call it a SIGNATURE. Just like a fingerprint you
will never
find any two LOCK sets or SIGNATURES in TIME the same. A base line
reference can
be obtained from a rock and its placement of age and location or even can
be obtained
from an image as long as the origin is known. I know this sounds Star
but if any of you Star Trek's or Sci Fi producers need technical
assistance, you
may contact me further on this aspect. If you want a story line from
actual fact I also
can supply that information. It will out do Sliders, or any of the other
known TIME TRAVEL based movies. X-Files beware! With a little help from
you all
out there a new TIME TRAVEL technical advisor will be coming to your
local Universe soon.

In return, I have spoken with Al Bielek in the past but do not have his
e-mail address
at present. I found a connection with Aleister Crowley written about in
Montauk Revisited
that I need cleared up. You may send it private to my address at:


My real goal in getting this information out to you all be it in the form
of a Movie or what ever is that we need to start working on a true Warp
Drive today if we are going to truly
travel the Stars tomorrow. The Space race is over. Now lets shoot for the
Stars. I feel we have the basics needed and I can help point in the
directions that will yield results and not just talk. I have run test of
my own and they show positive results we are somewhere in the ballpark.
Interested parties that can help make any of this come true please also
contact me at the above address. You as an individual through such means
as Keelynet do have the power to help do something about our future. We
have to have the desire first. The only frontier left after Star Trek is
TIME itself. Don't let Star Trek be in vein. Let it be an inspiration to
make a better future for all of mankind to come. The technology of
tomorrow comes from both the present technology and the Sci Fi of today.
Our minds and will are our only limits. I say let's shoot for the Stars.
The resolution of the Millennium.

Thank you and may the SOURCE be with you. :) Warren

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