Detecting Gravity Waves

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 01 Aug 1999 13:01:15 -0500

Hi Folks!

Recently received an email asking about how to detect gravity waves and
stream the data to a computer, so I thought some of it might be
interesting to the list;
Part of the original response to the private email;

As to a gravity wave detection network, I've been wanting to get
something like that going for years with sites all over the world using
the same equipment to collect data....and it could be automatic, then
posting that information to one site to analyze the data and make it
available to all.

I think there will be some very interesting findings about gravity
fluctuations and how they influence weather, plant growth, droughts, the
stock market (as found by Townsend Brown), health and other
relationships including societal perterburations.

Bill Ramsay and I spoke about this years ago as have Dan Davidson and
Joe Parr. It would make an amazing project because we all know that
gravity fluctuates as each of these three guys have proven with their

Dan, Joe and I even went to Egypt to do a test at Cheops but out
equipment mysteriously disappeared about 30 minutes into the test when
we were making measurements on another corner of the pyramid. I should
get all that written up with the photos as we are fairly certain the
device was stolen but our guide and the guard at the Gizeh Plateau all
deny that any Muslim would steal, let alone touch anything electronic
near the pyramids, thinking it might be a bomb...they even went so far
as to say 'the gods' took it....we however, think it was an American
from Chicago who was shall we say overly interested in our project when
he overheard us talking....anyway, never got a response because the test
was cut short...but it will be done again...
The next response with URLS for more information and details;

There are several ways to detect gravity waves, one uses an electronic
circuit with a leaky capacitor, another uses an electronic circuit with
a stressed dielectric and another uses Joe Parrs method of a rotating
geometric shape which produces weight changes from gravity fluctuations.

Dan Davidson, Joe Parr and I went to Egypt to test an expansion of Joes
work. Dan and Joe have been working along the same lines and comparing
data now for several years. Dan is at if you might
like to write him direct.

Bill Ramsay uses a Hodowanec modified circuit connected to a chart
recorder though he also uses a VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) that
lets you hear the gravity variations...sounds like whale song, but they
are slow changing.

The Hodowanec circuits are highly suspect because of temperature and
capacitance variations which could alter the true readings.

Dan was using a Radio Shack meter with a serial port that was sampled by
a program to append readings into a file which he then imported to EXCEL
for analysis and charting. I believe at that time he was using a
stressed piezo. He has now moved to a digital scale to measure weight
variations of a spinning wheel, the digital scale feeds into a computer
serial port.

I think he and Joe might be interested if you want to setup one or more
duplicate stations to collect data.

Here are some files or URLs that will give you more information, I would
read those all first and then contact Dan and/or Bill depending on what
approach you want to take.

Rotating gravity wave detection device;

Ad for Dans book on Shape Power;

Mechanical gravity wave detector;

Bill Ramsays gravity wave project;

Hodowanec gravity wave detector;

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187