Re: Is elemental resonance worldwide in phase?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 31 Jul 1999 12:42:15 -0500

Hi Marinus et al!

I have always found the idea hard to believe, that all atoms of a
specific element resonate at precisely the same frequency and precisely
in phase anywhere on the earth.

You wrote;
> My gut reaction to this question is NO!

That's the usual response that I've gotten and I tend to think you are
right but I need absolute hard fact on the question, from a real test
that is verified and has established the answer once and for all.

Al Bielek has a habit of absorbing information, weaving it into his
storyline and claiming he was there, that he 'suddenly' remembered that
he was there even though he never heard of the information originally
and many buy into his bull. Well, he does mention one scientist named
Henry Levenson;

"The other interesting comment was about a Professor of Mathematics at
the University of Wisconsin in the 30's. His name - Henry Levenson. He
specialized in time studies and developed a time variant equation.

Mr. Levenson co-authored 2 books and wrote 1. None of these books are
available (of course) but Bielek indicates they might be available in
restricted or private libraries such as Princeton.

The time comments centered around a concept involving a TIME LOCK which
was "encoded" at the time of creation of all matter, living or
otherwise. Thus, all matter created on the Earth, must be "clocked" to
the Earth time lock. The Earth must be "clocked" to the Solar time lock
and that to the Galaxial.

If your time lock became "distorted" by high intensity fields, it would
create a variety of problems due to the instability of the recovery
process, assuming that recovery would be possible."
Now the spook stuff aside, if there IS a master oscillator (ZPE) that
clocks everything (frequencies and there manifestation as energy and
mass), then everything would be phase locked to that master reference
and thus very stable.

Of course, it has been noted that ZPE has fluctuations, but to my
understanding, those are AMPLITUDE, not frequency fluctuations.

As the bible says, 'in him we live and move and have our being', which I
think is a reference to the omnipresent ZPE that might additionally have
the ability in some cases for self organization (ala chaos) to produce
patterns and even consciousness, but that's another thread entirely.

Now heat and other energetic disturbances can affect the vibration and
induce fluctuations that cause deviation from the master clock but in an
undisturbed, controlled environment, the frequencies would be allowed
full synchronization with the master reference.

Anyway, the question involves much more than is at first evident and
I've been searching but never found a solid proof or disproof.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187