Newman Demo July 25, 1999

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:55:16 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Folks!

Thought you might like to read about Joe Newman's
latest demo in Tempe as posted to the freenrg list;
Joe Newman demoed the solar panel setup today, Sunday
July 25, here in Tempe, Az. I thought he did the best
presentation yet, and I have seen him three times
before today.

We saw six solar panels (~18V x .32A ea.) connected in
parallel that, on a slightly overcast day in Az, could
barely turn over a 1/14Hp Grainger motor nor the
infamous MinneKota trolling motor.

He first used the Grainger motor and a 12 volt "car"
battery, using a belt with a pulley between each
shaft, to determine a quantity of power needed to
overcome the static losses of the big motor.

Then, connected in series, the solar panels made the
Newman Motor turn at ~45 rpm. Running on the solar
panels, he then used a prony brake set-up to determine
a usable amount of power available at the shaft of the
big motor.

The meters for the input power indicated only about
half that of the total of the demonstrated losses plus
available power. I felt he proved his point and
concept to the sixty-some people there (many from the
energy conference here this weekend). I asked a
question, "how well do the solar panels hold up to the
back spikes?".

He answered that the panels in the sun run pretty hot,
anyway, and he has run them for "a long time" and
determined no degradation in the efficiency of the
panels. I took this as good technical information and
nodded in smiling acknowledgment.

Understanding that the solar panels were not the real
focus of the demo, I still thought it gave a good
hands-on example of one of the many applications and
sources of hydraulic pressure that can be used to run
the Motor.

He then made an offer that, if and when 400 people
would pledge 3500 dollars each, and, when all pledges
are verified by a bank, he could get the million
dollars he needs to start a factory here in Phoenix
and start cranking out these motors. The pledge
included another 3500 dollars upon delivery.

People in the audience started asking questions, along
the lines of, "just what do we get for our $7000?" The
delivered "system" was described as having a battery
pack, a Newman Motor two inches bigger than the one we
saw today (and have been seeing since last Sept.), and
a generator. He felt confident enough in the Motor to
offer a handsome guarantee because he felt that, in
the long run, only a bearing could go bad.

A distributor person would come to your house and
install the system in short order. There would be a
change-over switch at your electric panel, to switch
your house between the "grid" and the Motor. It would
be big enough to power a 2000 sq. ft. house. When
asked, he acknowledged that that would be about 10KW.
He was asked about UL approval. He replied that, since
it doesn't connect to the house itself, it needs no UL
approval. I believe him. I think the FCC may be
another problem, though.

Even before the inevitable questions of: what kind of
generator?, how well would it sync to the line
frequency?, all this for $7000?, etc., I asked a
simple question:

"For the given motor size, how many volts worth of
batteries will be needed to achieve 10KW?". He said,
"About 500 volts worth".

I followed with, "How long do you think the batteries
will last?" He said, "Maybe about four years."

Again, a technical answer that I could accept, we know
the batteries can't last forever. Now, please,
somebody else who was there: if I'm lying I'm dying,
but he started sputtering at me, wagging his finger at
me, and
calling me "one of them ......".

He said he recognized me from other demos and I was
only here to poison these other minds, and said that I
"really pisses me off!" Stunned, I said, "fine, I have
heard enough", and left.

I don't know what happened after that.

If two people in that audience who are reading this
thought I was even close to being out of line in any
way with my questions or attitude, I will call up Joe
and apologize (it's a local call).

I have only been trying to learn as much about this
technology as I can; I certainly can see the results
and possibilities, would like to think I possess at
least some basic understandings of what Joe teaches,
and had (have) no desire to discombobulate his demo or
his efforts.

Scott Boster


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