Re: Possible Overunity Device

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 12:23:18 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Paul et al!

No, in my opinion this design won't work. The reason
being that there is no sustained imbalance. Many such
schemes that look promising always fail to compensate
for that balance point and though it might start it
will eventually hit the balance point and remain

If it isn't off center and kept off center in
operation, there is no falling position because it
will eventually balance and cancel out what the gain
from gravity.

With the Bessler wheel, and this info is courtesy of
Don Kelly of Space Energy Association (SEA), PO BOX
1136, Clearwater, FL 33757;

relating to the matter of Prince Karl having been
shown the inner workings of the Orffyreus (Bessler)
wheel, it was after this, that Karl described the
device as 'so simple that a carpenter's boy
(apprentice) could make it.'...we can reasonably
conclude it was made mostly of wood.

The secret appeared to lay in the ingenious way by
which the weights on the ASCENDING side of the wheel
were prevented from 'following' their NORMAL path next
to the rim. The Prince wrote that those weights were
blocked by small pegs which SWUNG BACK OUT OF THE WAY
as the weights passed over the zenith position.

'The internal structure of the machine is of a nature
according to the laws of mechanical perpetual motion,
so arranged that certain disposed weights, once in
rotation, GAIN FORCE from their own swinging, and must
continue this movement as long as their structure does
not lose its position and arrangement.

Unlike all other automata, such as clocks or springs
or other hanging weights which required winding up, or
whose duration depends on the chain which attaches
them, these weights, on the contrary, are the
essential parts, and constitute the perpetual motion
itself; since from them is received the universal
movement which they must excercise so long as they
come to be placed together, and so arranged one
AGAINST another that they can NEVER OBTAIN
EQUILIBRIUM, or the 'punctum quietus' which they
UNCEASINGLY SEEK in their wonderfully speedy flight,
one OR other of them must apply its weight at right
angles to the axis, which in its turn must also move.'

The Bessler wheel motion was powered by 'swinging
weights' which were continually maintained in a state
of dis-equilibrium.

The wheel motion was smoothed out and top speed was
limited by two opposed, triple-bob pendulums.

There was a RELATIONSHIP between the wheel size and
the natural speed at which it would run.

When running, about eight weights were heard to fall
gently on the DESCENDING SIDE of the wheel.

The mechanism was of such a design that, if the speed
became TOO great, disorder resulted, causing a loss of
power, thus the need for a speed governor.

(the weights can only fall so fast, meaning it must
have a maximum speed in RPM that cannot be exceeded)

Small pegs were used to prevent 'swinging weights' on
the ascending side of the wheel from taking their
NORMAL PATH next to the rim. These pegs swung out of
the way after the zenith position was reached.

When running, it was noted that no discernible sounds
were noticed from the ASCENDING SIDE of the wheel.

--- Paul Baucom <> wrote:


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