Re: Jerry, Mind if I pick your brain?

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 08:50:10 -0400 (EDT)

Hi John et al!

Ask Chuck Henderson as I'm
certain he has the plans for a single point orgone
detector as designed, built and used by Reich.

Chuck Shramek, the guy with the aura photographs used
such a single point detector but was not pleased with
all the samples that had to be manually collected to
'paint' a 2D (x,y) image. That is why he came up with
the CCD that would pick up the modulated tesla coil
emissions and instantly paint a scanned image.

I never was able to get Chuck S. to give me the model
number for the CCD device that he used, it would
probably work with any of the better ones these days,
I suspect that is the case because the photos are
clearly taken in a totally dark room to minimize
spurious light sources.

He said he injected various frequencies (low level
microwaves) into the tesla coil primary which ramps up
the voltage which is then imparted to the subject
standing on a metal plate. The idea being to cause
some kind of interference in a frequency range that
would be picked up by the CCD.

The images he gets are from various duration
exposures, which show up as gray scale images to which
he then applies a color map based on the intensity of
the gray.

Chuck S. said he then takes a visibe light image of
the person standing on the metal plate, then
superposes the visible light image over the converted
grayscale image to show the aura pattern synced to the

Now he said on the phone that he used a regular video
camera to get that visible image, but I'm thinking
that was a way to deflect attention away from the
probability that the CCD wasn't something really
unique and hard to find, since he would not provide
the model number or manufacturer and so, it was a
matter of taking a time exposure of the stimulated
body in total darkness, then turning on the light and
taking a short duration visible light exposure, then
manipulating the image to produce the photos.

The last time we talked, before the 'Companion' fiasco
with the comet, he said he had been able to do SVGA
images with short duration exposures. I think its
interesting because the CCDs get better and better
with low lux and higher frequency response...some of
the total darkness units require an IR light source to
illuminate the target in darkness, but without that,
using the stimulated emission technique, it should
produce some kind of image that could be manipulated
to produce useful data.

It is possible that various camera films exposed to
such a Tesla coil stimulated emission might capture
information invisible to the eye, yet when scanned in
and run though various algorithms to extract visible
data, you could find some neat images buried in the
'normal' picture.

I would ask Chuck Henderson about that orgonoscope
plan, guess that should be posted..come to think of
it, did a search and found this diagram of the
and this which might not yield well on this format;


In Reich's book "The Cancer Biophathy": The orgone
field detector is composed of 2 metal plates covered
with organic material disposed just like a capacitor,
a lamp, and a transformer. All parts are connected by
a metal wire.
| | |------|X|
| upper plate | | lamp
wire |
--- | --- | lower plate |
--- | --- |_________________|
--- | ---
-------------> not connected
in out

(the lines are for a transformer primary on the left
and secondary on the right)

When an orgone energy source is placed on the upper
plate the light intensity of the lamp should vary,
according to Reich.

(I don't see why the lamp should light if its not
grounded. Despite that, the claim is interesting that
orgone would alter the dielectric and thus the
conductivity of the circuit...>>> JWD)
The Geiger Muller Tube and orgone;
a skeptical view of the cloudbuster;

--- John Berry <> wrote:
> Hi Jerry, I need a meter or detector of orgone type
> energy (and such)I was talking with a friend (TJB)
> and he suggested I ask if you have heard of any
> meters and detectors.
> I know you have said many times what we need is
> aether detectors and meters, Well I believe orgone
> is related closely to the aether and FE/AG.
> So other than electroscopes are you aware of any
> useful meters for orgone?
> Oh yeah, I thought your answer would be interesting
> for the whole list.
> John Berry


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