Re: Steven Marks TPU (toroidal power unit) Update

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 18:20:50 -0500

Hi Folks!

Received this interesting reply that must remain anonymous but is
intended to be shared;
Jerry, I checked out this Mark unit several years ago. I was in LA and
met people who had worked with him in the past. I friend of mine was
also involved on the periphery. Walt Rosenthal and some of the people
funding the Sabori effort to replicate the Papp engine met with the
lawyer that represents Mark. The lawyer lives in the Phillipines and is
barred from law practice in the USA. (get the picture?)

The unit you descibe in your email is one of the best examples of fraud
I have ever seen. To the trained technical eye what is going on is

When you interview the people who have worked on this project it
confirms what the video shows, total fraud. I thought this one had been
put to bed several years ago but it keeps rising from the ashes.
My comments;

Thanks, and very good to hear from you!!! I am told privately that
Marks was once living in California in a very grand lifestyle, spending
thousands per month on this big house with parties all the time at the
expense of a millionaire investor.

The article indicates when these two guys got together, they figured out
something new and novel..a new scam perhaps?

You know, I want to believe as much as the next person but am highly
skeptical...what puzzles me is why no one has at the least duplicated it
if there is a known fraud technique...

I say this because Keely made a lot of claims and did a lot of demos at
the time (1872-1898) that were written up in magazines and newspapers,
then slammed as fraud (mostly by Scientific American) by many, yet NO
ONE could duplicate even his simplest demonstration....

In my view of logic, that bothers me.

When I was going to tech school, our teacher was on sabbatical from
Texas Instruments....he gave us a problem that involved a transformer
with a turns ratio of 1:10. He said if you put in 10VAC, what would you
have to do to the transformer to get an output of 1000VAC?

We could see no way to do it and everyone declared it impossible. The
teacher smiled and said that's what he had actually seen one time, this
bizarre transformer, nothing else attached, just two coils, one primary
and one secondary that took 10VAC on the input and put out 1000VAC on
the output.

He said they put their best engineers on it and found the cause, a
partial breakdown in the windings that caused a very rapid discharge of
the input sinewave so that the energy was compressed on the output to
give high voltage but no real power.

This is something that others have found in erroneous O/U circuits where
the voltage out is greater than the voltage in and calculations indicate
more power out than in. Even the voltmeter shows more power out than in
because it stretches the high voltage spikes to average them out, giving
a false reading. It is done by wave shaping that causes a very tight
and sudden collapse from the maximum to the reference.

Of course, none of these can drive an appreciable load and sustantially
much less than the input power despite giving the appearance of more

With the Marks device, if he indeed does have a battery, AND if the load
does indeed get hot after a short period, it would seem he is extracting
most of the juice out of this hidden battery.

Do you know how to duplicate this Marks device and could you describe
it? Thanks!

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187