Re: Cold Cathodes & UV

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 10:31:33 +1200

Hello all,

Free energy from the vacuum. A vacuum definitely a way to get this elusive
"Free Energy," however it is only the first step...a very big first step

Me, with my what so limited grasp on this science, have to say that by
moving all of your equipment inside the vacuum would be beneficial. Why?
Because the earth is a noisy place. All that noise starts beating against
each other, making the signal you want to tune into, nigh on impossible to
find. Clean out your environment, sweep out the Pull a

Problem partially averted. Hmm, gee great, we have an evacuated chambre
sitting on the table. Now what? Well, you could expose it to UV as in
Jerry's post, or you could pump another gas in to act like a plasma tube.
Then all you need is the frequency of the "aetherical" source and
congratulations, if you tune it in right the "outside" source should act
like a person on a swing, amplifying the resonance inside the tube.

Another interesting thing to note is the "UV" factor. In Reich's Orgone
experiments, the orgone gives off radiation in the Blue and up range
(leaving footprints in an X-ray phosphorescent screen). Could be that
either the UV light source is actually emitting "orgone," or maybe the
frequency of it's colour are attracting orgone from the atmosphere around
it? If this is the case, maybe some of Reich's other experiments,
especially charging highly vacuumated (is that a word?) chambers in an
accumulator, and see if anything happens.

Maybe the other thing to look out for is the size of the "chambre" it self.
if designed properly it could be used to amplify these "subtle" forces to
very "loud" levels.

I've done enough babbling. Now where's my straight jacket gone?
