Diatonic scale & theorems from crop circles?

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 16:21:28 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Folks!

Thought this was interesting relating a diatonic music
scale as represented in some crop circles...how to
translate the music to a coherent message? Maybe
someone is trying to tell us something about music?
StarWars techs probably..<g>..;


Several years ago, astronomer Gerald S. Hawkins, now
retired from Boston University, noticed that some of
the most visually striking of these crop-circle
patterns embodied geometric theorems that express
specific numerical relationships among the areas of
various circles, triangles, and other shapes making up
the patterns (SN: 2/1/92, p. 76).

In one case, for example, an equilateral triangle
fitted snugly between an outer and an inner circle. It
turns out that the area of the outer circle is
precisely four times that of the inner circle.

Three other patterns also displayed exact numerical
relationships, all of them involving diatonic ratios,
the simple whole-number ratios that determine a scale
of musical notes. "These designs demonstrate the
remarkable mathematical ability of their creators,"
Hawkins comments.

Hawkins found that he could use the principles of
Euclidean geometry to prove four theorems derived from
the relationships among the areas depicted in these
patterns. He also discovered a fifth, more general
theorem, from which he could derive the other four
(see diagram).

"This theorem involves concentric circles which touch
the sides of a triangle, and as the [triangle] changes
shape, it generates the special crop-circle
geometries," he says.

Hawkins five theorems;


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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