Re: One Terminal Capacitor
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 17:17:11 -0700

Hi Jerry,
Another problem in this "experiment" is that when an object gets charged up
to any high potential it leaks off into the local space and there is never
enough charge concentration to lift anything that has much weight. De
Seversky had this problem so he made a large open space structure that he
charged up so the ion wind would act as a repulsion mechanism much like a
rocket ejecting mass instead of trying to use a concentration of charge to
act as a lifter.

Tell the guy to prove it! Sounds like he's never done the proof of
principle to me.

At 05:22 PM 7/10/99 -0500, Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>Hi Bill et al!
>I sent an email to Joseph Hiddink at enclosing
>your question about Bill McMurtry's comment;
>"In every HV experiment I've done, where charged plates are capacitively
>coupled to either an oppositely charged plate or to ground, I have
>always observed an attractive force between the ground plate and the
>charged plate - whatever its polarity. Perhaps Joseph is refering to
>something different when he relates this information about mutual
>repulsion between a charged plate and ground?"
>That's what I don't get about this does one get
>electrically 'deeper' or lower than the earth ground??????? Seems like
>you'd get reversed lightning, where energy would move towards the
>greatest negativity.
>As I understand it;
>The earth is the master reference of ground, meaning the lowest energy
>level, the lowest negative. When clouds build up a charge that is high
>enough in 'pressure'/voltage to overcome the capacitive dielectric of
>the air, it discharges to the lowest negative well, which is the earth.
>Lightning sends out a very thin, almost invisible streamer, scanning the
>earth for the lowest potential, looking for an ingress through a point,
>if it can't find it, it will take whatever path it can find to relieve
>the pressure. And there is reverse lightning that moves from the earth
>up INTO the clouds.
>As I understand reverse lightning, the earth is like a giant body of
>compressible fluid (electricity) which moves through the earth in
>pressure waves. Stubblefield and others who claim to have successfully
>tapped these currents as 'earth energy' say that mountain ranges and
>such act like a beach on which waves of these moving currents break,
>creating intensifications that can be tapped.
>Its a matter of connecting a load from a low energy density to a high
>energy density so that the differing pressures will equate THROUGH the
>load to do work.
>I think the problem here is the idea of what is a stable reference? And
>there is NO stable reference to my view, since the earth energy
>concentrations do change perhaps in clouds or waves and therefore the
>ground reference level must also change.
>The reference is the lowest energy level when compared with a higher
>level, that creates the difference of potential and if there is a
>conductive path, the higher potential MUST flow into the lower potential
>until they both are equal.
>So plus and minus are confusing, when really it is high potential
>flowing to low to simply achieve equlibrium OR is it this plus/minus
>thing coming to a neutral state OR is this comaring apples to oranges?
>That is the premise of aether tapping, that it is a high potential that
>is flowing into the lower potentials (holes in space) of matter, trying
>to fill it up, it precipitates as matter which must eventually
>redissolve back into energy (probably based on spin direction) because
>the mass eventually charges up so much with energy that it will dissolve
>matter back into energy, to again become one with the background aether
>energy level.
>Joseph says you charge up a mass to such a high negatively polarized
>potential that it must repel from the earth since it is negative also.
>I can't see this happening because high voltage will eventually
>discharge in the form of a bolt of energy into surrounding lesser
>potentials, in this case the earth except that these are electrons that
>he is speaking about and they always repel other electrons.
>Even Ken Shoulder's charge clusters are electrons that are foced to
>stick together like a bunch of grapes until they hit a conductive mass
>and then they explode in all directions due to the mutual repulsion.
>Now he could be referring to some kind of coulomb current except that
>implies positive to negative OR electric field lines but then again, it
>might be a direct aether/zpe interference which I doubt at this point
>since all prior reports of f/e or antigrav anomalies I've seen require
>alternating current, not the electrostatic DC.
>electroscope n : detects electric charge; two gold leaves diverge owing
>to repulsion of charges with like sign
>Electrostatics is the study of charges, or charged bodies, at rest. When
>positive or negative charge builds up in fixed positions on objects,
>certain phenomena can be observed that are collectively referred to as
>Static Electricity.
>The charge can be built by rubbing certain objects together, such as
>Silk and Glass or Rubber and fur; the friction between these objects
>causes Electrons to transfer from one to another with the result that
>the object losing electrons acquires a positive charge and the object
>gaining electrons acquires a negative charge.
>Electrodynamics is the study of charges in Motion. A flow of electric
>charge constitutes an electric Current. In order for a current to exist
>in a conductor, there must be an Electromotive Force (EMF), or Potential
>difference, between the conductor's ends.
>Two particles of like charge, both positive or both negative, repel each
>other; two particles of unlike charge are attracted (see Coulomb's Law).
>The electric Force between two charged particles is much greater than
>the gravitational force (see Gravitation) between the particles.
>Many of the bulk properties of matter are ultimately due to the electric
>forces among the particles of which the substance is composed.
>Hmmm....the greater the in the more electrons, the more
>repulsion from the earth.
>This leads me to CONCENTRATION OF CHARGES in a given area. The earth is
>a vast body full of electrons but SPREAD OUT over a wide area. If you
>measure the electron concentration in one area, it would be relatively
>weak, but taken as the whole body of the earth would be enormous.
>So, if you could provide a concentration of negative charges as claimed
>by Hiddink, would it discharge into the earth as a lightning bolt? Why
>if it is pure electrons/negative charges which mutually repel? And that
>is the source of my puzzlement;
>if electrons repel electrons and
>positrons repel positrons
>how does difference of potential come into play
>like charges repel, no matter what energy density they are?
>Wouldn't this mean that the higher quantity of electrons MUST flow into
>the lower quantity of electrons by virtue of difference of potential
>trying to come to equilibrium?
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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