Re: One Terminal Capacitor

Bill McMurtry ( )
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 09:54:43 +1000

Hi Jerry,

There is really only one solid reference that comes to mind in connection
with HV DC charge causing anomalous gravity measurements. Townsend Brown
applied HV DC to his disk capacitors in high vacuum, to avoid ion reaction,
and measured a vertical force on the cap structure as a result. He was of
the opinion that the charged cap was interacting directly with gravity in
some way.

Joseph's device seems capable of outputing a very high voltage short
duration pulse as part of its design. He stated that he destroyed his
neighbors TV sets with his experiments which would suggest that his device
is capable of producing considerable radiation in one form or another.
However, to obtain an electrical repulsion against the body of the Earth
seems difficult to understand from my limited point of view <g>.

I remember Brown making the comment that when he applied voltage to his
disks he obtained an additional intense force pulse on the structure which
coincided with a disruptive discharge across the plates. I wonder if Brown
was observing the same reaction the Joseph reports. IMO, we need to hear
from Joseph on the technical aspects of his invention (rather than the
weird and wonderful effects it can produce) so that we may gain a better
understanding of his claims. It could be another tall tale, then again
Joseph just might have something of enormous interest. Pictures, drawings,
technical details, specifications, these things would interest me more than
what the Egyptians did or did not use to move their building blocks. I want
to believe <g>.

Regards, Bill.