Re: 45 Gallon Drum Project
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 17:19:27 -0600

Hi Ramon!
Strange David has never responded to your letter, he has to both of mine (this
was the second). It's important to send $5 with your letter, Hamel hasn't the
time or money to respond to everyone's a letter at his own expense. If you put
$5 in he's happy to. Interesting since he spend over $5 sending it back to me
The movable plate, doesn't need to have granite balls, use what ever you can
find, I'm going to use wood balls if any. I've heard that the movable plate
isn't necessary, that's it's a damping system of some sort. But since he sent it
in the plan I will probably include it in initial design (if I don't I can
always add it later). The isotope motion is slightly different with out it. But
it doesn't need to be granite. And yes the movable plate needs to movable, it's
whole purpose is move, allowing the bottom cone's point to move in circular
path, the magnets in it pull it back to center.
For the pivot point I would use a drill or router to make a "notch" in the
board, in my previous models I found that pushing a nail in the board, and
twisting it made the best notch, but we might need a bigger one for a larger
And regarding your last question, he only sent me info on the 45 gallon drum
device, because that's what I asked for, we got to learn the basics first. But
Hamel is releasing another book soon, I and I've heard it's full of technical
details, I think what he sent me may have been a copy of part of the draft. So
soon we may have access to all of his device's schematics.
-Justin Szymanek
PS- I'm forwarding this to the discussion list to help answer other people's

"Beales, John R" wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> Nice looking website!!!
> I'm surprised (and impressed) that you were able to get a response back from
> David H. I tried a long time ago to get information and was unable to do
> so. I've got a few questions for you if you don't mind.
> What is the best way to construct the cones - materials, weight, etc.?
> Is it necessary to use granite balls for the moveable plate? - How about
> less expensive materials?
> How large is the pivot point supposed to be? - just a nail hole?
> Why does the base need to be moveable?
> Did he give you any more information on the status of his other projects? -
> "flying saucer", etc
> Thanks for your time, and good luck on the project
> Ramon Beales