Complete plans for the 45 gallon drum!
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 15:08:14 -0600

Hello Everyone!
I wrote David Hamel a few weeks ago, and a few days ago I received a
letter back, sent by express post. Inside I found the COMPLETE plans for
the 45 gallon drum device! I have all the measurements and design plans,
and right from the source! Anyway I have scanned them and posted them on
my brand new website
Check it out under the David Hamel Technologies section. The site is
pretty small right now, as I'm just starting out, but I couldn't wait to
share all this information.
Every year we say that this year we will build a working device, lets
make it this year for real, the full plans for a WORKING free energy
device our now at our disposal. So lets get busy!
-Justin Szymanek (who's just a touch excited)