Antigravity, room-temperature superconductivity and a Question
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:58:37 -0400 (EDT)

Good afternoon,

Well, I finally have finished my move to God=92s country =96 the high des=
ert of northeastern Nevada. It=92s all rock and scrub and I love it. Be=
cause I haven=92t had net access for about a month now, I thought that it=
would be all right to let you know how my research is progressing.

I have learned much more about gravity since my last paper and now believ=
e that it has to do with matter vibrating in unisons and harmonies and th=
e production of ethereal matter waves according to their frequencies. Gra=
vity is the movement of matter towards the elimination of ethereal interf=
erence patterns. With unisons and harmonies, the ethereal interference pa=
tterns caused by separate matter may be decreased and eliminated by movem=
ent towards a single point =96 the gravitational center. However, matte=
r waves in discord and their resultant interference patterns may not be r=
esolved at a single point, and are therefore pushed further away to reduc=
e the amplitude of the interference effects =96 antigravity. I believe t=
hat the necessary matter wave pitch distortions may be caused by rotation=
and the accompanying Dopplar-type distortions of ethereal matter waves.=20

I'm prototyping a rotational amplification system this week. I'm using a =
Bismuth core rotating at 25,000 rpms mounted inside a collar of an even n=
umber of alternating magnetic poles. I'm going to use forty (if my finger=
s hold out) electromagnets in the collar to provide 20 nucleic spins per =
each rotation of the Bi core. If all goes well, I should have individual =
nucleic spins at 500,000 rpms as the whole core rotates at 25,000 rpms. I=
hope that should do the distortion trick. The whole thing will look lik=
e a sun picture with the Bismuth core as the sun and forty electromagnet =
=93rays=94. If I had a variable frequency AC generator, I could do it wi=
th just one coil, a ferrous sleeve deep of the coil, and a Bismuth core d=
eeper still. I would just hit it at its resonant frequencies for a much =
more spectacular effect. These are magneto-gravitical systems. For detai=
led info on electro-gravitical systems, see my webite.

I also have an idea that needs testing for a room temperature superconduc=
tive composite. An outer coating of Bismuth on a thin wire should allow =
the Bi nuclei to act as waveguides for electrons as the Bi nuclei rotate =
in reponse to electron flow, reducing eddying and electrical resistance o=
f a central wire significantly -- perhaps rendering it superconductive at=
room-temps. However, I believe that copper might not be an optimal subs=
trate, due to it's odd number of protons and electrons. I believe this m=
ight possibly disrupt and distort the nucleic rotations of the Bismuth la=
yer. I=92ll start with magnesium, but will definitely be testing the copp=
er/Bismuth composite, too.=20

The Bismuth layer would need to be pretty thin =96 maybe three microns or=
so. This is just a guess based upon the supposed Roswell crash debris g=
iven to Art Bell showing Bismuth microlayers of approximately that thickn=
ess. (I have a fragment of the debris now! -- it was given me by Nick fro=
m Toledo... he did some analysis of a large piece for Linda Howe) I belie=
ve that an optimum thicckness for wire coating would need to balance the =
tendency of nuclei to rotate and mesh (gear-like) causing possible distor=
tions (depending on geometries) with the diameter of the substrate wire a=
nd the frequency and amplitude of its current. So I guess that thinner is=
better -- with less rotational distortion and disruptions, but too thin =
of a layer will not provide the necessary wave guiding (or free-electron =
guiding) effect. Of course, the more layers of Bismuth and other, the gre=
ater the reduction in resistance, probably.

I have a question that you might be able to help me out with. Do you know=
or know where to find the high, powerful harmonic numbers? Short of lear=
ning Visual Basic and writing my own program, I hope. Nothing I could fin=
d online went farther than the powerful one at 34560. I want to do some q=
uartz disintegrations while I=92m here in gold country.

Oh=85 if you live around the Reno area, I would like to invite you to com=
e to James Cox=92s Antigravity Conference this Sunday and Monday. I=92m =
giving a little paper presentation Monday at noon on antigravity systems.=
Email for info.

Well, that=92s pretty much all that=92s going on=85 pray that I get the r=
ight job. I=92m going to be studying psionics, orgone energy and such th=
ings pretty soon, not to mention sono-gravitics, so if you know of any go=
od resources, let me know.

Peace and God bless,

Joshua Gulick

775-753-4510 -- home phone -- website

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