Farrow Electrical Buoyancy

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:29:49 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following is a response to an email about the Farrow device which
apparently negated weight. It is located at;


Hi George!

You wrote;
> I have that book too. I looked up the references in the back. This
> information and pictures were got from "Technical World", now
> "Popular Science". There was a full page article about him in the
> New York Times of 1911, but with essentially no new information.

Sorry for the delayed reply...my email resorted your email to the top of
my list...yes, Farrow is interesting...

At one time I was in touch with this guy in Florida who claims to be
working with the Canadian psychic who found Alexanders tomb...he said he
could go to a place where things happened in the past, slip back in time
and see and talk with whoever was there....that's what he said...this
psychic was taken to Coral Castle and talked with Leedskalnin, reported
there used to be wires above the castle and that Leedskalnin used some
kind of odd acid that when electrified causes mass to lose weight, but
too much electricity and it causes the stone to explode...that's what
the psychic told him..

He gave the psychic the Farrow article and HE SAYS the psychic was able
to find the last relatives of Farrow still living in a massive old
house...he SAYS he called them, they did admit to having a crazy old
great uncle who left some junk in the attic...HE SAYS he was allowed tos
see a homemade wooden box with nails holding it together...HE SAYS there
were some papers that went with the box...HE SAYS he bought the thing
for a couple thousand dollars....HE SAYS he will never release the
information because the world is not ready for gravity control...

This guy claims he makes all kinds of money using this psychic to root
around for treasure cache's and thats how he finances himself and his
'work'....he turned out to be just another TAKER, never offering any
information though he always had lots of questions and was an unending
suction cesspool with claims that always led to 'the world is not

So I told him he didn't have a clue and for my money, he was a huge liar
and fraud because he never offered any proof...here he had the chance to
do something positive and good but he says 'the world is not
ready'...setting himself up as the final arbiter of the release of lost

No time or patience for that so I sent him a letter telling him to get
lost, lose my address and phone number, never call or write me again
unless he grew up and decided to work with people, instead of just using
them for his own purposes...whatever they may be...

With regard to Farrow...that claim of an 'energy disc' that emanates as
far as a mile from the box when it has lost weight always intrigued
me....what kind of energy is that? how did he measure it?

Thanks for your interest...seeya!
....From the above URL;

In Farrow's explanation, he said that the dynamo acted to "intensify the
vertical component" of the Hertzian waves which it generated. This
intensifaction produced buoyancy in any object to which the unit was

The unusual pattern of Hertzian waves fanned out in a thin horizontal
plane of electromagnetic stress over a broad area.

The condensing dynamo employed either a horizontal row or a ring
consisting of a series of interrupters or breaks (gaps) for producing
this field.

The ring of electrical breaks extended in a horizontal line around the
perimeter of the device. Power and frequency of the oscillators were not

The buoyant effect is similar to that produced by floating a sewing
needle on water.

Although the steel has a much higher density than the water below it,
the surface tension permits the linkup of many surrounding water
molecules in a thin film or sheet.

Similarly, the dynamo lifts against the strong gravitational field by
REACTION against the weak geomagnetic field.

The interaction over a very wide area between this field and the
Hertzian waves produces electrical buoyancy. No U.S. patent was received
on the invention.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com         http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187