Electrically Expanded Water

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 14 Jun 1999 20:32:35 -0500

Hi Folks!

You might want to check out this interesting new discovery from George
Wiseman about something novel, what he calls electrically expanded
water, a 3rd gas forming in a hydrolysis cell. A couple of
correlations, the capacity of water to hold electric charge is the 'zeta
potential' and I believe it is negative ions that can be used to quench
flames. Somewhere, besides using the lift and glow observations of the
'wasserfadden', it is posted about how to check the zeta potential of
water and determine how much electricity is stored in it. At any rate,
check out George Wisemans page at;


We found, as we'd expect, oxygen gas being formed on the positive side
of each plate and hydrogen gas being formed on the negative side of each
plate but we also saw a third ASTONISHING thing.

We can see (and we see it every time) a THIRD gas being formed exactly
in the middle BETWEEN the plates . . . in the fluid itself.

This is where we figure the actual Brown's Gas forms (water that has
absorbed enough actual electrical energy to become a gas that is not
steam). You have never seen THIS in your high school physics class.

I can see gas being formed exactly midway BETWEEN the plates in my
transparent series-cell electrolyzers. It starts as a line of bubbles
from the top to the bottom of the cell, so solid that it looks like
another plate.

This line of bubbles becomes visible in about three seconds from the
time the electrolyzer is turned on. The line of bubbles then widens till
it meets the bubbles being formed on the plates and the cell is full of
bubbles (this takes about eleven seconds).

I think the gas formed in the fluid is the Brown's Gas.

My new theory of Brown's gas is 'electrically expanded water.'

I now think any gas formed ON the plates is normal diatomic oxygen and
hydrogen. It stands to reason that gas formed on the plates would be
mon-atomic, immediately change to di-atomic and would stay di-atomic. I
can say for sure that no one knows exactly what's happening, except the
results are getting more interesting.

Thus, when the electricity (in the Brown's Gas) is released by the
'flame,' it comes out as electricity and the water 'implodes' to it's
original liquid form, with no heat and no expansion first.

That's also why the flame is 'cool' yet has high energy effects.

Working with scientists and experimenters around the world, we have
discovered new several new things about Brown's Gas. One of which I will
detail here.

It now seems that Brown's Gas may NOT on-atomic hydrogen and oxygen
(which will make the nay-sayers happy) but is instead a special form of
WATER; actual water which has had enough electrical energy added to it
to form a gas that is NOT steam (this will make the nay-sayers unhappy

Steam is water that has heat energy added to it, (becoming a gaseous
form of water) and loses it's volume (returning to liquid form) if

I think Brown's Gas is water that has had electrical energy added to it
in a very unique way. Brown's Gas is stable in storage, is implosive,
has a 'cool' flame and seems to put pure electrical energy directly into
whatever material its applied to. Brown's Gas seems to be an
'electrical' flame, not a 'heat' flame.


A long time researcher of Brown's Gas (Todd Knudtson) once described the
Brown's Gas (to me) as a 'fluid crystal' which I had to accept at the
time because I could see no other explanation that covered my
experience/intuition about the gas.

Somehow the mon-atomic hydrogen and oxygen were not finding each other
and recombining into di-atomic molecules. It is easy to measure that the
Brown's Gas has mon-atomic volumes produced when compared to the Faraday
Laws. You can find my math on this in my 'Brown's Gas Book 1.'
Jerry Wayne Decker / jdecker@keelynet.com
http://keelynet.com / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187