Typo Punning

Warren E. York ( (no email) )
Tue, 8 Jun 1999 18:00:05 -0500

Thanks Sunil: Didn't think anybody really ever read my comments.
I was going to add the "Hot Dog" part later to go with the bread but more
genetic research is needed to convert from the old bun's first. I
figure out how to have Hot Dogs on "tokos"

toˇcolˇoˇgy also toˇkolˇoˇgy , n. The science of childbirth; midwifery or
obstetrics. [Greek tokos, childbirth; see tek- below + -logy.] :) Warren
Hello Warren!

Thanks for the update but begging your pardon, it's "breed of dog".
New bread of dog - Don't know if it is a typo or pun intended!


Sunil G.