Re: payable FE Device
Tue, 08 Jun 99 22:47:35 -0500


I tried searches on IBM on Ambient Power, Energy etc with no joy so far the
patents may be the original Tesla radiant energy thing thats the closest
thing Ive seen to Wiseman's device or maybe the Britten which I suppose
could be similar. When I tried the Wiseman idea I managed to charge a 16V
10000 uF cap in a few hours and run an LED off the cap for a very short
while. Possibly a circuit tuned to a natural freq would give better results.
Maybe we should be looking to the Earth Radio boys for answers.


>In this AD, "Patent copy" is stated which to me means
>it just might be on the IBM server. 9 Watts too is
>a little incredable to me..