Re: Scalar Wave based radio communication

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 25 May 1999 17:43:44 +1200

At 01:58 24/05/99 +0200, you wrote:
>I am a bit more than just intrigued,
Is this why we do not seem to be able to pick up Alien radio commnunications ?
Telepathy works with waves outside E.M.Waves and is instantaneous i.e
faster than light. Are scalar waves upside down to normal thinking and
therefor not subject to time as we know it.
Go back to Brahmah religion where it is stated unequivalently that the
universe is the size of the point of a needle where time has no meaning
and all material manifestation is the result of imagination. Getting closer !!
We now have to construct a black hole to move about and produce scalar
waves to communicate faster than light with arials working upside down to
normal thinking.
I may not be mad after all !!