Re: Power from the Ionosphere

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 17 May 1999 12:50:09 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ren et al!

Well, giggle juice indeed...<g>...pass that around
please.. I must take issue with some of your
comments, just my opinion of course but I think
relatively correct...
--- Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> At 16:02 16/05/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hi Folks!
> it would pay you to take a closer look at William
> Kapsaris !epsilon"
> experiment where he has found a ratio outside the
> normally accepted (and
> still contested one) that actally radiates energy
> when exited by a very
> light radio active scource.

Who is this William Kapsaris 'epsilon'?? I never
heard anything about him or his ratio. I did a
search on epsilon ratio and found;

Dielectric Constant also goes by the names of
permittivity, epsilon, and E-sub-r. Strictly speaking,
we should be talking about Relative Dielectric
Constant (the ratio of the speed of signal in free
space to the speed of the signal in a material),
although almost everyone drops the "relative" aspect.

The speed of light in outer space is virtually
obstructed (zero loss) and clips right along at
186,282 miles per second just as it should.

This known "constant" in physics is used to measure
large distances by the time it takes for a pulse of
light or radio waves to reach a target and return.
This is the fundamental principle of radar and sonar,
although both systems need to "adjust" for the medium
through which the energy passes.

Once light (or any other energy for that matter)
starts to enter other materials in an effort to pass
through, the dielectric constant (Dk) of that material
starts to matter. The higher the Dk, the slower the
signal will travel. This relationship is not linear,
it is inversely proportional to the square root of the

The effectiveness of dielectrics is measured by their
relative ability, compared to a vacuum, to store
energy, and is expressed in terms of a dielectric
constant, with the value for a vacuum taken as unity.
The values of this constant for usable dielectrics
vary from slightly more than 1 for air up to 100 or
more for certain ceramics containing titanium oxide.

Water has a dielectric constant that is fairly high
(something like 70 as the ratio value). Human beings
(like you, for example) have a Dk somewhere around 60
since we are mostly water and carbon (remember that
Star Trek episode when the alien referred to us as
carbon life forms? - we are.....).
So dielectric constant, kind of like electrical
refraction as compared to optical refraction at;

....ok, got that....learned something...thanks Ren!
> that since the destruction of the pyramids as a
> creative tool, no new life
> forms have appeared on this earth,

Totally gonzo on that one new life eh? Due
to the pyramids? Man, that giggle juice must have
some kick!!!!

> When Jaweh, Jehova or whatever his name was supposed
> to be visited Israel
> and instructed Moses how to construct the Ark of
> covenant, they were
> dealing with a physical entity with a technical know

Well, we are stuck with human written pages...the more
logical events were that the Jews lived with the
Egyptians for a very long period and so ABSORBED THEIR
TECHNOLOGY and in some cases managed to exceed it.
That is when they made their move, once the
confrontation with Pharoahs priests and the 'plagues'
showed their technology had now superceded the
Egyptians...who I think got it all from their
progenitors...perhaps Sumerians...but they didn't
IMPROVE on were eventually beaten at their own
God Game...shoulda stuck with Thoth...

> Many moons ago, Roger Bacon made balloons with wires
> hanging of them to
> capture energy and I read somewhere that if we were
> able to put up a ball
> into ionisphere with a wire hanging of it heavy
> enough to carry current, we
> would need no other means of generating energy as
> the voltage differential
> between it and the earth is in the trillions of
> volts. Wether this is true
> or not I don't know, all I know is that a mini
> thunderstorm in a bottle
> filled with mercury gas is able to deliver high
> currents so God knows what
> 8 miles distance generates in voltage potential.

The Shuttle Tether that fried recently shows the
tremendous power in the upper atmosphere. I think
there could be something to using a high power UV
laser to create a conductive path from the highly
charged upper atmosphere to a suitable collector here
and we could have 'controlled lightning' discharges.

The book, 'Lost Dimension' says that Cheops was the
sound the pyramid made when these periodic discharges
into the pyramid storage device in
sheee-op, sheee-op...that is the contention of the

I don't know but it could be an interesting


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