Re: Power from the Ionosphere

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 18 May 1999 19:48:24 +1200

At 16:02 16/05/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!

Hi Jerry and all,

I don't know how closely you follow fellow keely net subscribes efforts but
it would pay you to take a closer look at William Kapsaris !epsilon"
experiment where he has found a ratio outside the normally accepted (and
still contested one) that actally radiates energy when exited by a very
light radio active scource.
I conclude from his experiment and others who have replicated his results
that this pyramid ratio is closer to the usually depicted one when it comes
to the propagation of energy. I have always been convinced that the
pyramids were built to enhance the creative life forces by being able to
draw on energies outside our present empirical knowledge and served as
vehicles for the mental construction in to the physical reality of the
myriad of creations, we call life today. My reason for thinking this is
that since the destruction of the pyramids as a creative tool, no new life
forms have appeared on this earth,
The fact is that anywhere there were settlements from different galaxies if
you prefer, pyramids were built in area's conducive to the use of telluric
currents. To me at least I can see no earthly use of edifices so colossal
and difficult to construct if there had not been an ulterior motive even
something banaal as the creation of food sources !!
When Jaweh, Jehova or whatever his name was supposed to be visited Israel
and instructed Moses how to construct the Ark of covenant, they were
dealing with a physical entity with a technical know how we are not very
far from reaching ourselves (his atomic engined propelled vehicle
helicopter is very accurately described in Ezekiels, so as explained at
infinitum in the Bible, he was an extremely jealous personality and could
not stand competition.He also loved blood, perhaps his main scource of food.
A very few individuals have been able to understand although intuitively
knowing what they were on about but as usual, we are too dense to look
beyond our present knowledge and try to fit everything we see into the
pattern of our upbringing which in reality is is the poorest result of our
As a child, we are confronted continuously with the necessity for survival,
as an adolescent, we are continuously driven by sexual orientated urges and
as an adult, we continuously driven by the want to propagate because in
essence we are an animal wether we like it or not.
Our intelligence is above the normally exibited in the animal kingdom so
have to conclude that if a physical entity was responsible for our
creation, we are definitely created in his image.The reason being that
eventually it will be to his advantage for HIS survival.
If we are created as an expression of the creators wish as to what he would
like to be, I can only say what a miserable effort as collectively we only
think of destruction for economic advantage.(is the black hole our ultimate
Many moons ago, Roger Bacon made balloons with wires hanging of them to
capture energy and I read somewhere that if we were able to put up a ball
into ionisphere with a wire hanging of it heavy enough to carry current, we
would need no other means of generating energy as the voltage differential
between it and the earth is in the trillions of volts. Wether this is true
or not I don't know, all I know is that a mini thunderstorm in a bottle
filled with mercury gas is able to deliver high currents so God knows what
8 miles distance generates in voltage potential.
As usually I am babbling on but wish to be forgiven as I just had an
excellent meal and a liberal helping of giggle juice (My own manufacture no
I wish to conclude with asking that everyone interested in if not free,
easily obtainable energy looks with new eyes at the things we know and have
been explained to us ad infinitum in no less than the Bible. Perhaps if
approached that way, we may actually be willing to follow the instructions
given to us without prejudice and gain what is rightfully ours without
having to pay some so and so for the privilege.

Greetings and happy hunting to you all,
