Re: Zokwendle, Zokwelle

Theo Paijmans ( )
Thu, 13 May 1999 15:17:42 +0200

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Hello Olaf,

Thank you, it seems that we have cleared this little mystery!

Kind regards,

Theo Paijmans

> "Zokwendle" is not a german word, but the spelling is exactly the same
> as "Sogwendel". Thats not a typical german word, but can be splittet
> in "Sog" and "Wendel"
> "Sog" is a (air)wave or suction, "the suck" itself
> "Wendel" is a Helix or "(single) wound coil", german say
> "Wendel-Treppe", that a spiral staircase
> "Welle" is a sea-wave, sinus-wave or hair-wave
> so i think, the meaning of "Sogwendel" is nearly at a "Vortex in a
> Bottle", see Naudin's images of that at
> also a Twister is a "Sogwendel"
> If you imagine a shock-wave that's produced by a (atom)bomb, a
> "Sogwelle" is the wave generated at an "Implosion", i guess.
> Olaf Berens

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Hello Olaf,

Thank you, it seems that we have cleared this little mystery!

Kind regards,

Theo Paijmans

"Zokwendle" is not a german word, butthe spelling is exactly the same as "Sogwendel". Thats not a typical germanword, but can be splittet in "Sog" and "Wendel"

"Sog" is a (air)wave or suction, "the suck" itself

"Wendel" is a Helix or "(single) wound coil", german say"Wendel-Treppe", that a spiral staircase

"Welle" is a sea-wave, sinus-wave or hair-wave

so i think, the meaning of "Sogwendel" is nearly at a"Vortex in a Bottle", see Naudin's images of that at

also a Twister is a "Sogwendel"

If you imaginea shock-wave that's produced by a (atom)bomb, a "Sogwelle" is the wavegenerated at an "Implosion", i guess.

Olaf Berens
