thermodynamic theory

Frank or Suzanne Hartman ( )
Tue, 11 May 1999 03:19:03 -0400

time for me to poke my nose back under the tent.

1. what happens when you hold your finger in front of a rapidly
expanding gas "
how does the feeeze burn differ medically from a hot burn "
2. why does hot water freeze faster than cold ?
See new planet scientist last word archive and numerous other studies if
you doubt that it does.
3. Now to the vortex tube. this answers part of jerry's question to me
as to why vortex rotation is important.
1.Assume air is injected into the tube tangent to the inside radius on
the lower side. I.e. the side closest to the surface the tube is lying
on. (it doesn't really matter which way as long as we all are
consistent) What is the direction of rotation coming out from each end
and what perspective are you looking at it from?
counterclockwise motion concentrates, clockwise dissipates.
what is the rotation direction at the hot end and what is the direction
at the cool
end ?

When you HAVE done the test, you will understand how the vortex tube
works and why
conventional thermodynamics is wrong.
not only is cold less heat but heat is less cold.
until you understand the vortex illusion, do the test on the tube and
check it for yourself,the rest is head games.

It will all begin to come clear but only if you do it yourself
