Re: French Compressed Air Powered Car

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 5 May 1999 17:17:32 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ted et al!

--- Ted Gallop wrote:
> Hi Jerry and everyone...
> Well, I seem to have struck a nerve with you Jerry
> by questioning the
> reality of the air powered car and the veracity of
> the sources of info we
> all seem to be getting interested in.

Its not my page, not my story, not my research OR
THEIRS for that matter, they simply reported a story
from two sources If you are looking for veracity on
the Internet, its a lost cause...veracity is in
working hardware that you have in front of you and

Trace the sources;
May issue of Wired, p. 76,
The Manchester Guardian Weekly - February 8, 1998

> But lets look at the facts.
> The web site says
> this...
> "I found this article in February 1988 and posted it
> on this web site.
> People have shown incredible interest in this "Air
> Car." Hits to this page
> comprise 25% of all hits to this web site. I have
> tried without luck to
> find contact information for the inventor of the
> "Air Car," Guy Negre,
> and/or for his French company, CQFD Air SOlution. If
> anyone out there
> should make contact with Mr. Negre please forward
> the contact information
> to me by email. "
> Doesn't it seem strange that in the last 12 months,
> despite the incredible
> traffic to the web site, this webmaster has Not been
> able to find out
> anything more about the car, the person, or the
> company that invented it to
> the point where it has licensed it for a production
> of 40,000 vehicles per
> year?

Why would the webmaster be in a position of
responsibility for researching anything posted on
their website?? I know I certainly don't have the
time or resources OR RESPONSIBILITY to always dig up
new information....but those of us who DO share
information do the best we can...relying on posting
the info and hoping others will provide additional
information or URLs.

If someone takes issue with the information presented,
thats their problem and up to them to research it and
try to prove or disprove it.

> We need to recognise that there is virtually NO info
> on this machine,
> despite the claim that it has been created by a
> French business, an Italian
> firm has designed the Mexican version, and "a
> Mexican licensee, Dina, has
> signed a contract to produce an estimated 40,000 ZP
> taxis and urban
> delivery vehicles a year".

So if you are so concerned about the story, do some
research and dig up the real information..make some
phone calls, spend some money like so many of us have
so often trying to get additional information.
Contact Wired, contact the Manchester newspaper, call
France, locate DINA and talk with the
Mexican government, probably Dept of Transportation
and see who can provide additional information even to
the point of contacting the inventor personally.

> Oh, and we know it has two cylinders and runs on
> compressed air.
> And I would not suggest that because this 'news' has
> been posted on an
> anti-nuclear site it should be ignored. But I am
> saying that such a site
> would be happy to publish anything that supported
> their position and as
> such we should double check the info before giving
> it credence. This
> includes not assuming that a similar article,
> quoting similar numbers, in a
> new age mag is an independent source.

Ok, you just elected yourself to 'double-check'
it...such a site?? Geez, I've gotten interesting
information from all kinds of sites and never let
their primary interests afflict the information if it
was traceable. As to sources...I think the Manchester
Guardian and WIRED are reliable sources of information
so write them and ask for more info or contact info
with the inventor. I noted the request from the
webmaster for anyone reading the file to offer any
additional info on the subject which could be
appended. Its not their fault so many are just mouse
clickers looking for wonder and stimulation.

> Hey, I'm not against new ideas being thrown into the
> ring for discussion,
> but this article has no ideas, no theories, no
> descriptions,.....all it has
> is claims.

Really, I find the ideas quite specific and novel,
with more than sufficient information for tracking (3
sources) should someone be so inclined;

1) ran for 10 hours at top speed of 100kmph
2) 16 patents (trackable)
3) filled with 300 litres of compressed air in 3
4) $2 to replenish the air
5) CQFD Air SOlution (near Nice, France for contact)
6) A Mexican licensee, Dina (trackable)

> Oh, and did anyone notice that Guy Negre is an
> anagram for Energy Gu ?
> That's all from me......
> Cheers everyone.
> Ted Gallop

That makes no sense whatsoever.

notice of fuel cell taxi from their main page;

notice of the fuel cell powered taxi from Lycos;
about 2/3rds down the page

So ignore it, I'll add it to my database and move on
and continue to post relevant topics to the list.


Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!
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