Re: Bulwer-Lytton book online

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 3 May 1999 13:55:08 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Jim et al!

Thanks for posting that site! I have a copy of it
from Health Research that I've had for probably 20
years...such an interesting book and it would make a
killer would many of the fantasy, both
occult and science from the late 1800's...Etidorpha,
Dweller on Two Planets

I always liked the idea of winged people flying with
mechanical wings because they could reduce their
weight for easy lifting...

A quote on the flying devices;
"I ventured to place my hand on the large wings that
lay folded on his breast, and in doing so a slight
shock as of electricity passed through me. I recoiled
in fear; my host smiled, and, as if courteously to
gratify my curiosity, slowly expanded his pinions.

I observed that his garment beneath then became
dilated as a bladder that fills with air. The arms
seemed to slide into the wings, and in another moment
he had launched himself into the luminous atmosphere,
and hovered there, still, and with outspread wings, as
an eagle that basks in the sun.
Then, rapidly as an eagle swoops, he rushed downwards
into the midst of one of the groups, skimming through
the midst, and as suddenly again soaring aloft.

Thereon, three forms, in one of which I thought to
recognise my host's daughter, detached themselves from
the rest, and followed him as a bird sportively
follows a bird.

My eyes, dazzled with the lights and bewildered by the
throngs, ceased to distinguish the gyrations and
evolutions of these winged playmates, till presently
my host re-emerged from the crowd and alighted at my

Angels and demons? Not likely, humans with an
expanded understanding of gravity and mechanics.

--- "Jim Shaffer, Jr." wrote:
> I just found an online copy of "Vril: The Power of
> the Coming Race" at
> --
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