Re: Fw: Russian discovery of Gravitational Spider Effect

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 01 May 1999 02:00:07 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following email came through Gary Vespermans CC list from John
Schnurer and I thought it needed to be posted to the list.

Where is the error? Einstein says it himself, that the speed of light
experiments of Michelson-Morley were what led him to the special theory
of relativity as claimed by Dr. Yuri Ivanonv....Einstein says it
was...the first path...
Hi John et al!

Even in Einsteins own words, he grudgingly admits that the speed of
light and the null aether drift M-M experiment inspired STR.

You wrote to Gary;

> Dear Gary,
> NOTE: Einstein's Theories are not BASED ON the MM experiments.
> Where in the world do you get the idea they are?
I (Jerry Decker) sent an email out to many people, including you and
Gary which referred to the work of Dr. Ivanov where he says;

> he believes he has disproved Einsteins Special Theory =

> of Relativity since it was based on the erroneous Michelson-Morley
> measurement of the speed of light and the subsequent Lorentz
> Transformation/Contraction.
You apparently did not read the URL that I sent out which was;

with special emphasis on page;

In 1895, one year after the death of the great German physicist -
experimenter Hertz, the Lorenz coordinate transformations came out. =

Lorenz, in contrast to Hertz, belonged to the group of scientists
searching for a solution of the Michelson problem alternative to the
hypothesis of the carrying along of ether by the earth.

However, Lorenz also did not manage to solve the problem completely. The
theory propounded by him was not just insufficient, in addition, it
required the introduction of a new hypotheses for its survival.

With the appearance of Einstein=92s special relativity theory came the
natural completion of science=92s inability to explain the ether deadlock=

which had arisen. =

Having severely dealt with the idea of ether, Einstein declared the
light velocity as a world constant, and, as there were no other
proposals by men of science, the constant was accepted, though not
And from the following page;

Having arrived at a qualitatively new view of transformations of
physical dimensions, having realized the accuracy of the formulas,
having proved all of this with the help of geometric analysis and
acoustic experiments, it was decided to find a reason, why the well
known theory of relativity appeared to be incredibly hardy and

In other words, if, based on the corrected classical ethereal views, we
are able to demonstrate that the theory of relativity is a special case
of these views and at the same time, using the method proposed by
Einstein, to understand the mechanics which always leads to the same
value for the light velocity, then any doubts towards the legitimacy of
the ether hypothesis will be cleared up.
On Einsteins derivation of STR:

Einstein's third major paper finished in 1905, "On the Electrodynamics
of Moving Bodies", contained what became known as the special theory of
relativity. =

For so long philosophers had been trying to understand the nature of
matter and radiation, and how they interacted together. Neither the
mechanical world view or the electromagnetic world view was capable of
providing a consistent explanation for the way radiation and matter
interact when viewed by an observer at rest and an observer moving at
uniform speed. =

In the spring of 1905, after considering these problems for ten years,
Einstein realized that the problem lay in a theory of measurement, not
in a theory of matter. =

At the center of this special theory of relativity was the realization
that all measurements of time and space depend on judgments as to
whether two distant events occur simultaneously. =

This led him to develop a theory based on the principle of relativity,
that says physical laws are the same in all inertial reference systems,
that the speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant. =

HE WAS THEN ABLE to provide a correct description of physical events in
different inertial frames of reference.Again, no one understood
Einstein's argument. =

Einsteins second postulate relating to the fixed speed of light;

Einstein's first postulate is that the physical laws of nature are the
same in all inertial reference frames. =

His second postulate is simply a consequence of applying this principle
to the laws of electricity and magnetism. That is, if Maxwell's
equations are taken as laws of nature, then they (and all their
consequences) must hold in all inertial frames. =

One of the results of this is Einstein's second postulate: =

The speed of light is the same in every inertial frame of reference.

Einstein's first postulate seems perfectly reasonable. And his second
postulate follows very reasonably from his first. How strange that the
consequences will seem so reasonable. =


Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity describes the motion of
particles moving at close to the speed of light.

Story about 'inspiration' for STR:

(NOTE: Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 so when Einstein was 12
years old the year would have been 1891. Michelson-Morley did their
soon world famous experiment in 1887 when Einstein was 8 years old. So
he 'surely never heard of it'..<g>...being heavy into math he would most
CERTAINLY have heard of it and had it pounded into his head so that he
was THINKING ABOUT IT FOR YEARS! Fully 14 years from age 12 to age 26
when STR was released...>>> Jerry)

There is a story of how Einstein came up with his Special Theory of
Relativity: When Einstein was 12 years old he asked his teacher what he
would look like through a mirror he was carrying if he travelled at the
speed of light. His teacher said light would be static and not moving at
all. This began his quest toward the Special Theory of Relativity. =

In 1905, Einstein published his most famous scientific paper, titled On
the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. In that paper he boldly stated
that every event and measurement is viewed differently depending on
where the observer is and what his velocity is. He objected to the idea
of absolute space or time, or that all measurements are only accurate as
seen from a certain place in the universe. =

He said that THE ONLY MEASUREMENT THAT IS CONSTANT, no matter where the

LIGHT during different times of the year. If Einstein's proposal was
correct, then the luminiferous ether was not needed.

But in order for the velocity of light to be constant, strange phenomena
had to happen at near-light velocities.

Speed of light constant in vacuum and always APPEARS the same;

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, the speed of light
(c=3D2.998 x 108 m/sec) always appears the same, regardless of the motion=

of the observer, but the motion of material objects is relative to the
motion of the observer. Light travels at different speeds in different

Check out some comments from Einstein;

Taken from a lecture by Einstein in Japan where he says;

> "Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of =

> the Earth with respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit =

> Michelson's null result as a fact."
> =

> RELATIVITY. Since then I have come to believe that the motion of =

> the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment, though the =

> Earth is revolving around the Sun." [48]
> The above information gives us insight into the nature of Einstein's
> relativity theory. He believes that the sea of ether exists, but he =

> also believes that it cannot be detected by experiments, in other =

> words, he believes it is invisible. =

Michelson-Morley experiment (A.A. Michelson, E.W. Morley; 1887)

Possibly the most famous null-experiment of all time, designed to =

verify the existence of the proposed "lumeniferous aether" through =

which light waves were thought to propagate. Since the Earth =

moves through this aether, a lightbeam fired in the Earth's =

direction of motion would lag behind one fired sideways, where no =

aether effect would be present. This difference could be detected =

with the use of an interferometer.

The experiment showed absolutely no aether shift whatsoever, =

where one should have been quite detectable. Thus the aether =

concept was discredited as was the idea that one measures the =

velocity of light as being added vectorially to the velocity of =

the emitter.

speed of light _in vacuo_; c

The speed at which electromagnetic radiation propagates in a =

vacuum; it is defined as 299 792 458 m/s.

Flaws in science;

So, there is NO QUESTION that Einstein knew and USED the M-M experiment
to derive the STR, saying so in his own words. He had plenty of time to
ponder it since STR came out in 1905 when he was 26, fully 18 years
after the M-M experiment in 1887.
Sorry John, Ivanov is right, you are in error as far as I can tell. =

Please correct me if I am the one in error and for sure bring up the
same question to Dr. Yuri Ivanov at
-- =

Jerry Wayne Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187