Anybody serious about radiant energy here ?

ryb ( )
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 13:09:49 -0500

Just checked Bruce Perrault's site-it was updated this past Dec 24th...

In addition to docs,books,he now offer complete collection of TESLA's
BRITISH,CANADIAN and US PATENTS on CD roms starting at $35 US per CD...

This is very convenient and cheap too..

Now MORAY did put out an ELECTROTHERAPEUTIC APPARATUS to cure a viariety
of ailments..The complete docs are also on that site..

What amazes me is that NOBODY has tried to duplicate it...
Guess a matter of economics-not just enough profits($$) as the
RIFE/BARE industry has to offer..

Same can be said of Abrams Oscilloblast machines/devices...Books
decribing his devices are available,etc..

And what aboput Lakhovshy MWO ?

I am coming to the conclusion that many alternative researchers out
there are like the biggies-just intersted in cashing in on the current

I have asked to places that make Beck,Rife/zapper/etc devices if they
would look into it in the near future-so far the response has been
NIL-no interest..

Maybe-they sense that some of the above devices could hurt their
profitable RIFE/zappers burgeonning industries...

And especially the radionic oriented the LEA,Ohio
device(aura therapeutic).I keep reading that people are getting cured
when using such hard to find frequewncies to choose here or
being baked for hours in front of a plasma tube..and they do NOT have
to submit themselves to hours of preventive maintenance per
parts to be replaced,etc...and COSTS are on par with BARE/RIFE
devices..thye would be lower if more researchrs /producers would enter
into the fray...

The OHIO device could be sold for $500(and at a profit),same for
Lakhovsky MWO and possibly many Radionic devices as well and Moray's
therapeutic device...


P.S Site for Perrault's site:

No,I do not have the financial means to do the above research nor the
knowlege but a $500 US device is within my reach...