Bailey and Worthington's scary paper on HAARP

Gary Vesperman ( (no email) )
Sat, 12 Dec 1998 07:57:55 -0800

Dr. Patrick G. Bailey, Nancy C. Worthington, Dr. Nicholas Begich, Jeane
Manning, Dr. Richard Williams, Paul Kossey, James J. Hurtak, Richard
Hoagland, Peter Van Tuyn, Jim Padburg, and others are asking disturbing
questions about the real purposes, secrecy, and possibly frightful dangers
from the future expanded form of the military's High Frequency Active
Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska.

HAARP's original Environmental Impact Statement does not truthfully address
the implications of easily being able to expand HAARP to a far higher power
level. Yet the projected power levels apparently would be able to, over
areas as large as several states, burn holes in the upper atmosphere with
unknown consequences, cause severe weather changes, numb the minds of ALL
the people to helpless zombies against their will, harm animals as well as
people, possibly even induce earthquakes, and disable sensitive electronic
equipment including computers, modern vehicles, communications switches, and
heart pacemakers.

I would appreciate some answers from Senator Bryan or Reid.

Gary Vesperman

(Pat Bailey message follows:)

You can send out this URL as a good summary paper (6 pages) of the
information contained in Nick's book on HAARP:

I am a co-author of that paper, which was presented (in a slightly revised
form) to the 32nd IECEC (Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference) in August 1997 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Please copy and make use of this paper however you can.

Patrick Bailey.