Spinning Capacitive Fields & the Poynting Vector

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 12:13:38 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

With regard to this claim of a rotating field between capacitor
plates, it has been brought to my attention that the Poynting vector
might be the source of this type of energy tap. A basic description
of the effect is at;

Another viewpoint from normal Poynting understandings says
'Decelerating charges don't radiate, their magnetic fields do';

A comparison showing the duality of particles to waves using the
Poynting vector says; 'Field energy that is transmitted by the
Poynting vector then corresponds to particle effects, while transverse
field energy corresponds to wave behavior';

Preliminary analysis of the momentum flux (or of the Poynting vector)
of the classical electromagnetic version of the quantum vacuum
consisting of zero-point radiation impinging on accelerated objects as
viewed by an inertial observer suggests that the resistance to
acceleration attributed to inertia may be a force of opposition
originating in the vacuum.

Rick Andersen insights on how a scalar or static wave might tie in to
this spinning capacitive field;

An interesting aside regarding a purported spin effect that ties in
well with aether/energy vortices;

Spin field effects;


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