Re: Tapping the Casimir Force

Marcelo Puhl ( (no email) )
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:27:30 -3

> Now imagine the fluid is less viscous than anything you can easily
> imagine, and the rate at which it is pumped through the container is
> determined by the soley by the imbalance caused by the load.

Exactly as I posted on my last mail !

> This provides the energy "sink", or low pressure, that causes what I
> believe to be the spontaneous introduction of electrons from the
> aether. (I have always had a problem with electron flow as is commonly
> taught) (Maybe they both exist, but where else could this power come
> from?)
> The only limit to the amount of electricity that can be drawn off is
> due to the internal resistance of the output leads, as they can become
> burning filaments, and then fuses under the strain of a heavy load.

Note : here he said "OUTPUT LEADS" not output coil leads ...

> Power then obviously stops.
> If the internal conditions (atmospheric) remain intact inside the
> housing of the device, power is still available, but has no route to
> exit the container that holds the device's receptor circuitry.

Atmospheric conditions ??? Is he meaning humidity ?

> The device would then stay balanced, and thus isolated from the load,
> there is no energy "exchange", "conversion", or whatever you would
> like to call it.
> Patience, my friend, all things in good time.

AAARrrrggggggghhhhhh !!!
