Re: Objective Art - When reasoning fails

Don J. S. Adams ( (no email) )
Fri, 02 Oct 1998 14:58:52 -0500

Hi Dennis,
> I live at the Piano Factory which is a community for artists of all
> disciplines. The evil landlord prepaid the 1% MHFA mortgage and wants to
> disperse us because of money. We have a gallery where shows are held. I
> think striving to express greater numbers of levels in an art piece is fun
> and challenging. An OU device interacting with higher dimensions would
> instill a greater sense of awe and mystery than say a picture of a bowl of
> fruit. The NEA would not have things like a crucifix submerged in urine
> given an objective art criterea for grants.

Sorry, not familiar with 'Piano Factory'? Where is this? Also, NEA?
Don't knwo whatthis is?

> What do you think of this? Is information or knowledge an energy form? If
> so, when one teaches another, there is energy transfer. However, one still
> knows this info. Given the conservation of energy law, how can this be? Has
> energy been created when learning occurs? Does the teacher have an info
> vacuum from this knowledge transfer that compells the universe to fill this
> void with new knowledge? Is information the ultimate Free Energy?

Nicely done! This is what Sheldrake claims, more or less. He goes on further to say
that he suspects that the bulk of memories are actually stored 'externally' to the
brain...something I have often suspected and wondered about. I think he feels
that while some small amount of memory fragments are embedded physically as protein
strings and electric potentials, these are simply mechanistic, expressive triggers which
'bootstrap' the conscious mind into entraining or resonating with a sort of hyper dimensional
stream or informational field / morphogenic field, wherein similar shared memory types are
homegenously stored / accessed. Subsets of this could be smaller localized fields
of individuated, subjective perception vectors or reactions to pleasure / pain states.
Obviously some kind of attachment / linkage is involved with these subsets and would
likely be related to the unique persona of the individual. In my humble opinion,
certainly this could represent a sort of naturally existing 'over unity' metaphor ...but
one that transcends the common concept of such when applied to simple mechanical force,
etc... and likely of course with fundamentally different properties as well. Whether
this is the case or not ...well I simply don't know...