Ramblings on Real Time Auras

Don J. S. Adams ( (no email) )
Fri, 02 Oct 1998 13:20:24 -0500

Disclaimer - - (Rough Ramblings) ;>

K, well I HOPE this appears relevant... my premise here is that it relates to health...
so hopefully no one blasts me about this one.... <g>

- The body constantly emits gasses of different types, gas types and
densities vary...the closer to the body the denser the gas of course....
also the patterns of emission and locations on the body where the varying
amounts of discharge takes place can reveal systemic states of the internals

- the body emits heat, which also varies in patterns

- the body emits electricity, which varies in patterns (See Harold Saxton Burr's work)

These modalities / functions can be catalogued and one can perform analyses on pattern fluctuations and
may ascribe certain colors to types of flux states. Apparently these flux states can be broken down into
relatively constant standards insofar as specific properties are concerned. For instance a certain
color matched to a given state would very likely have the same 'meaning' when applied to a range of
different body types...more or less. Imagine the images you've seen from thermographic scans
of people...this is partially, in a sense, a detection of the true aura. Heat zones have been
tagged with certain interpretive colors to provide meaning for the observer. Imagine a system
set up to monitor gas discharge, heat and di-electric output with colors tagged for the different
agents and their various flux states. Then have this system fed into a realtime process and yield
back say an overlay of colour mapping over top of the persons video image vis-a-vis a camera and then
display to a VDU.